Bibliography and Citations

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Daigle J.J.  1997.  MEGALAGRION MAUKA Spec. Nov. from Kauai, Hawaii (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae.  Odonatologica.  26(1):65-69.
Dailey R.N, Montgomery D.L, Ingram J.T, Seimion R., Vasquez M., Raisbeck M.F.  2008.  Toxicity of the lichen secondary metabolite (+)-usnic acid in domestic sheep.  Vet Pathology.  45:19-25.
Daines M.  2023.  Distribution of Astragalus amnis-amissi (Fabaceae), a plant endemic to east-central Idaho.  Western North American Naturalist.  83(1):146-151.
Dakin, Jr. ME.  1979.  Notes on Chrysochraon (Barracris) petraea (Gurney, Strohecker & Helfer) (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Gomphocerincae) with a description of the female sex.  Acrida.  8(1):9-15.
Dale HCandy W.  2012.  Memorandum Decision and Order - Otter et al v. Salazar et al.  :42pp..
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Dalke P.D.  1973.  A partial bibliography of Idaho wildlife.  
Daly C.  1996.  Overview of the PRISM model.  
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Daniels SR, Hamer M, Rogers C.  2004.  Molecular evidence suggests an ancient radiation for the fairy shrimp genus Streptocephalus (Branchiopoda: Anostraca).  Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.  82(3):313–327.
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Darling F.F.  0.  Conservation and ecological theory.  Journal of Ecology.  52(Supplement):39-45.
Dasmann W.  1971.  If deer are to survive : how to meet food and cover needs. Harrisburg (PA): Stackpole Books.  
Daszak P, Berger L, Cunningham AA, Hyatt AD, D. Green E, Speare R.  1999.  Emerging infectious diseases and amphibian population declines.  Emerging Infectious Diseases.  5(6):735-748.  Available from
Daubenmire R.F, Colwell W.E..  1942.  Some edaphic changes due to overgrazing in the Agropyron-Poa prairie of southeastern Washington.  Ecology.  23:32-40.
Daubenmire R.F.  1975.  Plant succession on abandoned fields, and fire influences in a steppe area in southeastern Washington.  Northwest Science.  49:36-48.
Daubenmire R.F.  1972.  Annual cycles of soil moisture and temperature as related to grass development in the steppe of eastern Washington.  Ecology.  53:419-424.
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Daubenmire R.F.  1975.  Ecology of Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata in the state of Washington.  Northwest Science.  49:24-35.
Daubenmire R..  1977.  A bibliography on vegetation of the state of Washington: supplement I.  Northwest Science.  51(2):111-113.
Daubenmire R..  1974.  Taxonomic and ecologic relationships between Picea glauca and Picea engelmannii.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  52:1545-1560.
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