Bibliography and Citations

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Journal Article
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Bunting S.C, Robberecht R., Defosse G.E.  1998.  Length and timing of grazing on postburn productivity of two bunchgrasses in an Idaho experimental range.  International Journal of Wildland Fire.  8(1):15-20.
Leiberg J.B.  1888.  Leidberg's letter about Nymphaea leibergii.  Botanical Gazette.  13(6):164-165.
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Isely D..  1986.  Leguminosae of the United States. Astragalus L.: IV. Species summary N-Z.  Iowa State Journal of Research.  61(2):157-289.
Hovingh P, Clark WH, Keebaugh J.  2008.  Leeches of the Snake River in Idaho and Oregon: paleodrainage implications of Mooreobdella microstoma.  Western North American Naturalist.  68(2):210-224.  Available from
Angelo R..  1979.  Ledum groenlandicum rediscovered in Concord, Massachusetts.  Rhodora.  81(826):285-286.
Jones A.G.  1987.  Lectotypification of Aster jessicae Piper: a rebuttal.  Taxon.  36(1):142.
Williams SC.  1987.  Lectotype designations and redescription of Vejovis wupatkiensis Stahnke (Scorpiones: Vaejovidae).  Pan-Pacific Entomologist.  63(4):363-367.  Available from
Walkinshaw L.H..  1937.  LeConte's Sparrow breeding in Michigan and South Dakota.  Auk.  54:309-320.
Kushlan J.A.  1973.  Least bittern nesting colonially.  Auk.  90:685-686.
Hornocker M.G.  1992.  Learning to live with mountain lions.  National Geographic.  182(1):52-65.
Harmon M.E, Baker G.A, Spycher G., Greene S.E.  1990.  Leaf-litter decompostion in the Picea/Tsuga forsets of Olympic National Park, Washington, U.S.A.  U.S.A. Forest Ecology and Management.  31:55-66.
Fisser H.G, Lavigne R.J.  1961.  A leaf-feeding beetle found on threetip sagebrush.  Journal of Range Management.  14:278-280.
Stauber E, Finch N, Talcott PA, Gay JM.  2010.  Lead poisoning of bald (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and golden (Aquila chrysaetos) eagles in the US inland Pacific Northwest region—an 18-year retrospective study: 1991–2008.  Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery.  24(4):279-287.  Available from
Lagerquist J.E, Davison M., Foreyt W.J.  1994.  Lead poisoning and other causes of mortality in trumpeter (Cygnus buccinator) and tundra (C. columbianus) swans in western Washington.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases.  30(1):60-64.
Harmata AR, Restani M.  2013.  Lead, mercury, selenium and other trace elements in tissues of golden eagles in southwestern Montana, USA.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases.  49(1):114–124.  Available from
Craig T., Craig T.H.  1995.  Lead levels in golden eagles in southeastern Idaho, Abstract.  Journal of Raptor Research.  29(1):54-55.
Henny C.J, Blus L.J, Hoffman D.J, Grove R.A.  1994.  Lead in hawks, falcons and owls downstream from a mining site on the Coeur d'Alene River, Idaho.  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.  29:267-288.
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Fuhrmann K.  2005.  Lava Beds National Monument: a stronghold for Townsend's big-eared bats.  Park Science.  23(2):48-52.  Available from
Nelson NA, Pierce J.  2010.  Late-Holocene relationships among fire, climate and vegetation in a forest-sagebrush ecotone of southwestern Idaho, USA.  Holocene.  20:1179–1194.  Available from
Yen T-C.  1946.  Late tertiary freshwater mollusks from southeastern Idaho.  Journal of Paleontology.  20:485-494.