Bibliography and Citations

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Copeland J.P, Cesar E., Peek J.M, Harris C.E, Long C.D, Hunter D.L.  1995.  A live trap for wolverine and other forest carnivores.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  23(3):535-538.
Corn PStephens, R. Bury B.  1989.  Logging in western Oregon: responses of headwater habitats and stream amphibians.  Forest Ecology and Management.  29(1-2):39-57.  Available from
Corn P.S, Livo L.J.  1989.  Leopard frog and wood frog reproduction in Colorado and Wyoming.  Northwestern Naturalist.  70:1-9.
Craig EH, Craig TH.  1998.  Lead and mercury levels in golden and bald eagles and annual movements of golden eagles wintering in east central Idaho 1990-1997.  
Craig T., Craig T.H.  1995.  Lead levels in golden eagles in southeastern Idaho, Abstract.  Journal of Raptor Research.  29(1):54-55.
Craig T.H, Connelly J.W, Craig E.H, Parker T.L.  1990.  Lead concentrations in golden and bald eagles.  Wilson Bulletin.  102(1):130-133.
Cronquist A..  1990.  Letter to Michael Mancuso identifying Erigeron specimens sent to the New York Botanical Garden.  
Crumb S., Rabe F..  1977.  Long term effects of fish stocking on the invertebrate communities of Steep Lakes, Idaho.  
Cuffney TF, G. Minshall W.  1981.  Life history and bionomics of Arctopsyche grandis (Trichoptera) in a central Idaho stream.  Holarctic Ecology.  4(4):252-262.  Available from
Davidson B.L.  2000.  Lewisia kelloggii.  Lewisias.  
Davidson A, Aycrigg J, Grossman E, Kagan J, Lennartz S, McDonough S., Miewald T, Ohmann J, Sajwaj T, Tobalske C.  2013.  Land cover classification and mapping. Aycrigg JL, Andersen M, Beauvais G, Croft M, Davidson A, Duarte L, Kagan J, Keinath D, Lennartz S, Lonneker J et al., editors. U.S. Geological Survey, Gap Analysis Program.   p. 31-57.  Available from
DeBolt A..  1987.  List of known Lepidium davisii sites in Southwestern Idaho as of November 3, 1987.  
DeBolt A..  1989.  Letter to PJP dated 3/9, re: Astragalus atratus var. owyheensis reidentified as Astragalus salmonis.  
DeBolt A., McCune B..  1993.  Lichens of Glacier National Park, Montana.  Bryologist.  96(2):192-204.
DeBolt A., Doremus J..  1988.  Lepidium davisii threats. Unpublished report prepared by the Boise District BLM.  
DeBolt A..  2002.  A letter to Dr. Dean Harrison, Agricultural Research Service, Forage Laboratory, Utah State University, Logan regarding poen fire rehabilitation post burn area for Lepidium papilliferum. Letter plus graphs.  
Defenders of Wildlife.  0.  Lynx.  
Derr C..  1997.  Lichen and bryophyte survey and monitoring methods, unpublished bibliography.  
Diller L..  1985.  Letter and field survey forms sent to Craig Groves, Idaho Natural Heritage Program, detailing 3 new populations of Plethodon vandykei in Idaho.  
Drew M.L.  2003.  Laboratory report spotted frogs in southwestern Idaho: disease investigation and water quality analyses.  
Dubois A., Heyer W.R.  1992.  LEPTODACTYLUS LABIALIS, the valid name for the American white-lipped frog (Amphibia: Leptodactylidae).  Copeia.  1992:584-585.
Dyer T..  1994.  Letter from Tom Dyer, Burley District BLM, to George Stephens, Idaho Conservation Data Center, dated 9 November regarding a northern goshawk nesting territory on private land in Cassia County, ID.