Bibliography and Citations

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Meitl J..  1995.  List of U. S. Fish and Wildlife, Boise Field Office, Section 7 (ESA) consultations involving federally listed snail species; list current to 11 October 1995.  
C. Peterson Lfrom var.  1993.  Listing from various museums in the United States of spotted frog specimens from Idaho south of the Snake River.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1991.  Listing proposals - December 1990. Idaho snails.  
Rideout C.W.  2002.  Literature and records search for special status species occurrences.  
Reynolds R..  0.  Literature of the flammulated owl; Unpublished bibliography.  
Wallen R.L.  1987.  Literature on the Pacific giant salamander and the tailed frog: life history, biology, distribution.  
Clark W.H.  1991.  Literature pertaining to the identification and distribution of aquatic macroinvertebrates of the western U.S. with emphasis on Idaho.  
Clark W.H.  2000.  Literature pertaining to the identification and distribution of aquatic macroinvertebrates of the western U. S. with emphasis on Idaho.  
Booser J, Sprunt, IV A.  1980.  A literature review and annotated bibliography of the Great Basin/Rocky Mountain population of the White-faced ibis.  
Gutiérrez R.J.  1975.  A literature review and bibliography of the mountain quail, Oreortyx pictus (Douglas).  
Bartels p, Niwa M..  2005.  Little pocket mouse live-trapping: Jim Sage/Raft River Valley salt desert shrub live-trapping efforts. June-August 2005.  
Anderson S..  1993.  Livestock management effects on wildlife, fisheries and riparian areas - a selected literature review.  
Colket B.  2006.  Livestock print penetration: Overview of methods and recommendations. Meeting notes for Lepidium papilliferum.  
Anonymous.  0.  Livestock print penetration: overview of methods and recommendations.  
Wilbur S.R.  1967.  Live-trapping North American upland game birds.  
Lesica P..  1987.  Location data for Astragalus aquilonius .016 and .017.  
Rittenhouse B..  1988.  Location information for Astragalus amblytropis, resulting from summer 1988 field work in Custer County for Bureau of Land Management.  
Prentice C.A.  1990.  Locations for various uncommon species: specimens deposited in Harold M. Tucker Herbarium.  
Levine E..  1990.  Locations of 1990 active Peregrine falcon eyries.  
Boise State University, Department of Biology.  0.  Logbook and notebook detailing the BSU Department of Biology bird collection.  
Pruitt L..  2000.  Loggerhead shrike status assessment.  
Famous N.C, Campbell C.S.  1985.  Lomatogonium rotatum. In: The Nature Conservancy Element Stewardship Abstract [Database].  
Crumb S., Rabe F..  1977.  Long term effects of fish stocking on the invertebrate communities of Steep Lakes, Idaho.  
Sands A.R.  1988.  Long-billed curlew, ferruginous hawk, and sharp-tailed grouse sightings.  
Moseley R.K, Mancuso M..  1992.  Long-term demographic monitoring of two Stanley Basin endemics, Draba trichocarpa and Eriogonum meledonum. II. Second-year results.