Bibliography and Citations

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Ingram W.M.  1948.  The larger freshwater clams of California, Oregon, and Washington.  Journal of Entomology and Zoology.  40(4):72-92.
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Simons EM, Laundré JW.  2004.  A large-scale regional assessment of suitable habitat for pygmy rabbits in southwestern Idaho.  Northwest Science.  78(1):33-41.  Available from
McNicholl M.K.  1975.  Larid site tenacity and group adherence in relation to habitat.  Auk.  92:98-104.
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Smith AD, Dornburg R, Wheeler QD.  2014.  Larvae of the genus Eleodes (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae): matrix-based descriptions, cladistic analysis, and key to late instars.  ZooKeys.  415:217–268.
Johnson P.J.  1987.  Larval taxonomy, biology, and biogeography of the genera of North American Byrrhidae (Insecta: Coleoptera).  :268pp..
Carlton J.  1982.  Last chance for the border caribou.  Aug:7-11.
Kinkel L.K.  1989.  Lasting effects of wing tags on ring-billed gulls.  Auk.  106:619-624.
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Grayson DK.  2006.  The Late Quaternary biogeographic histories of some Great Basin mammals (western USA).  Quaternary Science Reviews.  25:2964–2991.
Lyman R.L.  1991.  Late Quaternary biogeography of the pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) in eastern Washington.  Journal of Mammalogy.  72(1):110-117.
Beiswenger J.M.  1991.  Late Quaternary vegetational history of Grays Lake, Idaho.  Ecological Monographs.  61(2):1565-182.
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Nelson NA, Pierce J.  2010.  Late-Holocene relationships among fire, climate and vegetation in a forest-sagebrush ecotone of southwestern Idaho, USA.  Holocene.  20:1179–1194.  Available from
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Craig EH, Craig TH.  1998.  Lead and mercury levels in golden and bald eagles and annual movements of golden eagles wintering in east central Idaho 1990-1997.  
Craig T.H, Connelly J.W, Craig E.H, Parker T.L.  1990.  Lead concentrations in golden and bald eagles.  Wilson Bulletin.  102(1):130-133.
Henny C.J, Blus L.J, Hoffman D.J, Grove R.A.  1994.  Lead in hawks, falcons and owls downstream from a mining site on the Coeur d'Alene River, Idaho.  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.  29:267-288.
Craig T., Craig T.H.  1995.  Lead levels in golden eagles in southeastern Idaho, Abstract.  Journal of Raptor Research.  29(1):54-55.