Bibliography and Citations

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Evans Mack D.  2019.  Region 3 2019 Northern Idaho ground squirrel transect distance survey data.  
Mack DEvans.  2018.  Region 3 2016 - 2018 Northern Idaho ground squirrel transect distance survey data.  
Mack DEvans.  2009.  Region 3 2008 - 2009 Columbian ground squirrel and American Badger observations.  
Barnett JK.  2014.  Region 1 acoustic bat inventory: national wildlife refuges in eastern Oregon, eastern Washington, and Idaho.    Available from
[Anonymous].  2009.  Recovery outline for the Salt Creek tiger beetle (Cicindela nevadica lincolniana).    Available from
Barraclough TG, Vogler AP.  2002.  Recent diversification rates in North American tiger beetles estimated from a dated mtDNA phylogenetic tree.  Molecular Biology and Evolution.  19(10):1706–1716.  Available from
Clark TW, Harvey AH, Dorn RD, Genter DL, Groves C.  1989.  Rare, sensitive, and threatened species of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Northern Rockies Conservation Cooperative; Montana Natural Heritage Program; The Nature Conservancy, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming Field Offices; and Mountain West Environmental Services.    Available from
Clark TW, Harvey AH, Dorn RD, Genter DL, Groves C.  1989.  Rare, sensitive, and threatened species of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Northern Rockies Conservation Cooperative; Montana Natural Heritage Program; The Nature Conservancy, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming Field Offices; and Mountain West Environmental Services.    Available from
Mancuso M, Halford A, Colson K.  2019.  Rare Plants of Idaho. Boise (ID): Bureau of Land Management, Idaho State Office.    Available from
Mancuso M, Halford A, Colson K.  2019.  Rare Plants of Idaho. Boise (ID): Bureau of Land Management, Idaho State Office.    Available from
Mancuso M, Halford A.  2020.  Rare plant observation reports from BLM for 2020 field season.  
Entwistle PG, DeBolt AM, Kaltenecker JH, Steenhof K.  2000.  Proceedings: Sagebrush Steppe Ecosystems Symposium. Sagebrush Steppe Ecosystems Symposium; 21-23 June 1999.  Boise State University, Boise (ID): USDI Bureau of Land Management, Idaho State Office.  
Van Kirk RW, Capurso JM, Gamett BL.  2003.  Proceedings of The Sinks Symposium: exploring the origin and management of fishes in the Sinks drainages of southeastern Idaho; 2002 Feb 27;. Pocatello (ID): American Fisheries Society, Idaho Chapter, Boise, ID.    Available from
Teisberg J.  2022.  Presence of grizzly bears in the Selkirk Mountains of Idaho from 2009 - 2021 [Excel spreadsheet].  
Peterson SR.  1982.  A preliminary survey of forest bird communities in northern Idaho.  Northwest Science.  56(4):287-298.
Harris H.M, Shull W.E.  1944.  A preliminary list of Hemiptera of Idaho.  Iowa State College Journal of Science.  18(1):199-208.  Available from
Anderson R.  1998.  A preliminary assessment of bats along Snake River, Hells Canyon National Recreation Area.  Hells Canyon Complex, FERC No. 1971.    Available from
Singer K, Wozencraft C.  1994.  Potlatch bat [and] small mammal survey [photocopy of handwritten notes made during surveys conducted in 1994 in northern Idaho].  
Andres BA, Smith PA, Morrison R.IGuy, Gratto-Trevor CL, Brown SC, Friis CA.  2012.  Population estimates of North American shorebirds, 2012.  Wader Study Group Bulletin.  119(3):178-194.  Available from,
Andres BA, Smith PA, Morrison R.IGuy, Gratto-Trevor CL, Brown SC, Friis CA.  2012.  Population estimates of North American shorebirds, 2012.  Wader Study Group Bulletin.  119(3):178-194.  Available from,
Andres BA, Smith PA, Morrison R.IGuy, Gratto-Trevor CL, Brown SC, Friis CA.  2012.  Population estimates of North American shorebirds, 2012.  Wader Study Group Bulletin.  119(3):178-194.  Available from,
Fuhrmann K.  2005.  Population dynamics of Mexican free-tailed bats at Lava Beds.  Park Science.  23(2):52-53.  Available from
Brawn JD, Balda RP.  1988.  Population biology of cavity nesters in northern Arizona: do nest sites limit breeding densities? Condor.  90(1):61-71.  Available from
Brawn JD, Balda RP.  1988.  Population biology of cavity nesters in northern Arizona: do nest sites limit breeding densities? Condor.  90(1):61-71.  Available from
J. Perkins M.  1992.  Plecotus townsendii survey for the Nez Perce National Forest.