Bibliography and Citations

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Hardy RS, Stephenson SM, Neufeld MD, Young SP.  2015.  Adaptation of lake-origin burbot stocked into a large river environment.  Hydrobiologia.  757(1):35-47.  Available from
Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Knetter S.  2015.  Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) nest productivity results in Idaho from 2009 - 2015.  
Whitfield etal..  2015.  Bald eagles of eastern Idaho Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem 2015 annual productivity report.  
U. S. Geological Survey, National Wildlife Health Center.  2015.  Bat white-nose syndrome (WNS)/Pd surveillance submission guidelines Winter 2014/2015 (November–May). Version 2.28.2015.    Available from
Barnett J.  2015.  BatPass deployment report—SonoBat results summary: Kootenai NWR.  
Renfrew R, Strong AM, Perlut NG, Martin SG, Gavin TA.  2015.  Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus).  Birds of North America Online.  (176)  Available from
Gilman AV, Farrar DR, Zika PF.  2015.  Botrychium michiganense sp. nov. (Ophioglossaceae), a new North American moonwort.  Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas.  9:295–309.  Available from
Lichthardt J.  2015.  Bryophyte herbarim label data compiled by Idaho Natural Heritage Program staff.  
Lichthardt J.  2015.  Bryophyte herbarim label data compiled by Idaho Natural Heritage Program staff.  
Kerr JT, Pindar A, Galpern P, Packer L, Potts SG, Roberts SM, Rasmont P, Schweiger O, Colla SR, Richardson LL et al..  2015.  Climate change impacts on bumblebees converge across continents.  Science.  349(6244):177-180.  Available from
Isaak DJ, Young MK, Nagel DE, Horan DL, Groce MC.  2015.  The cold-water climate shield: delineating refugia for preserving salmonid fishes through the 21st century.  Global Change Biology.  21(7):2540–2553.
Secord AL, Patnode KA, Carter C, Redman E, Gefell DJ, Major AR, Sparks DW.  2015.  Contaminants of emerging concern in bats from the northeastern United States.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.  69:411-421.  Available from
Harding DP, Raizada MN.  2015.  Controlling weeds with fungi, bacteria and viruses: a review.  Frontiers in Plant Science.  6:e659.  Available from
Idaho Geological Survey, Mitchell VE, Vance RE, Bennett EH, B. Studer BE, Tate CA, Stanford LR.  2015.  Database of the mines and prospects of Idaho. Version 1.2015.1.    Available from
Whiting JC, Doering B, Lowe J, Englestead D, Frye J, Earl S, Earl A, Bybee B.  2015.  Ecology, conservation, and management of bats in southeastern Idaho.  
Von Reis JClarke.  2015.  The effects of select herbicides on the biological soil crust in shrub steppe areas of the Columbia Basin, Washington.  School of the Environment.  Doctor of Philosophy:212.
Kovach RP, Muhlfeld CC, Wade AA, Hand BK, Whited DC, Dehaan PW, Al-Chokhachy R, Luikart G.  2015.  Genetic diversity is related to climatic variation and vulnerability in threatened bull trout.  Global Change Biology.  21(7):2510-2524.
Johnson G.  2015.  Idaho rare plant observation report forms for field surveys performed on the Payette National Forest during the 2015 field season.  
Rust SK.  2015.  Lepidium papilliferum inventory and project clearances Jarbidge Fuel Break and Buck Flat.  
Knetter S.  2015.  Nest productivity results from 2009 - 2015 for bald eagle nest monitoring efforts in Idaho [Excel spreadsheet].