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Hardy R, Paragamian VL.  2013.  A synthesis of Kootenai River burbot stock history and future management goals.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.  142(6):1662–1670.
Gurney AB, Strohecker H.F, Helfer J.R.  1964.  A synopsis of the North American Acridine grasshoppers of the Genus-group Chrysochraontes (Orthoptera: Acrididae).  Transactions of the American Entomological Society.  89(1/2):119-139.  Available from
Mendez D, Webb R, Berger L, Speare R.  2008.  Survival of the amphibian chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis on bare hands and gloves: hygiene implications for amphibian handling.  Diseases of Aquatic Organisms.  82(2):97–104.
Crawford JA.  2008.  Survival, movements and habitat selection of pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) on the Great Basin of southeastern Oregon and northwestern Nevada.  Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Wildlife Science Program.  :142.  Available from
Korpimäki E, Lagerström M.  1988.  Survival and natal dispersal of fledglings of Tengmalm's owl in relation to fluctuating food conditions and hatching date.  Journal of Animal Ecology.  57(2):433-441.
Price AJ.  2009.  Survival and burrowing ecology of pygmy rabbits: implications for sagebrush habitat and estimation of abundance.  Wildlife Resources.  :106.
Waterbury B, Abel B, Cavallaro R, Proett M, Wackenhut M.  2017.  Surveys for amphibians on the Idaho Falls District of Bureau of Land Management.  :42.
Waterbury B, Abel B, Cavallaro R, Proett M, Wackenhut M.  2017.  Surveys for amphibians on the Idaho Falls District of Bureau of Land Management.  :42.
Ulmshneider H, Hays D, Roberts H, Rachlow J, Forbes T, Himes J, Sequin E, Haworth M, Katzner T, Kozlowski A et al..  2008.  Surveying for pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis).  
Copeland S.  2019.  Survey results from surveys for specific species and nests, 2018 field season, Boise District BLM [Excel spreadsheet].  
Copeland S.  2019.  Survey results from surveys for specific species and nests, 2018 field season, Boise District BLM [Excel spreadsheet].  
Copeland S.  2019.  Survey results from surveys for specific species and nests, 2018 field season, Boise District BLM [Excel spreadsheet].  
Platt JB.  1971.  A survey of nesting hawks, eagles, falcons and owls in Curlew Valley, Utah.  Great Basin Naturalist.  31(2):51-65.  Available from
Platt JB.  1971.  A survey of nesting hawks, eagles, falcons and owls in Curlew Valley, Utah.  Great Basin Naturalist.  31(2):51-65.  Available from
Platt JB.  1971.  A survey of nesting hawks, eagles, falcons and owls in Curlew Valley, Utah.  Great Basin Naturalist.  31(2):51-65.  Available from
Platt JB.  1971.  A survey of nesting hawks, eagles, falcons and owls in Curlew Valley, Utah.  Great Basin Naturalist.  31(2):51-65.  Available from
Platt JB.  1971.  A survey of nesting hawks, eagles, falcons and owls in Curlew Valley, Utah.  Great Basin Naturalist.  31(2):51-65.  Available from
Platt JB.  1971.  A survey of nesting hawks, eagles, falcons and owls in Curlew Valley, Utah.  Great Basin Naturalist.  31(2):51-65.  Available from
Romin S, Bosworth W, Weekley T.  2008.  Survey of Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve for rare invertebrates.