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Bartelt PE.  1998.  Anura. Bufo boreas (western toad). Mortality.  Herpetological Review.  29(2):96.  Available from
Beals J.W, Harris C.E.  1994.  Northern goshawk surveys in the Twin Falls and Burley Ranger Districts of the Sawtooth National Forest.  
Beals JW, Harris CE.  1996.  Northern Goshawk Surveys in the Twin Falls Ranger District of the Sawtooth National Forest.  
Bean BM.  2011.  Spatial distribution and habitat use of the Bliss Rapids snail.  Biology.  :61.  Available from
Bechard MJ, Hague-Bechard KD, Porter DH.  1986.  Historical and current distributions of Swainson's and ferruginous hawks in southern Idaho.  
Bechard MJ, Alsup S.  2008.  Heavy metal contamination in bald eagles in the Boise, Salmon, and Coeur d'Alene river drainages of Idaho.  
Bechard MJ.  1982.  Effect of vegetative cover on foraging site selection by Swainson's hawk.  Condor.  84(2):153-159.  Available from
Bechard MJ, Hague-Bechard KD, Porter DH.  1986.  Historical and current distributions of Swainson's and ferruginous hawks in southern Idaho.  
Becker PA, Hays DW, Sayler RD.  2011.  2011 Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit reintroduction and genetic management plan.  Addendum to the 1995 Washington State recovery plan for the pygmy rabbit.    Available from
Beckmann JP.  2006.  Carnivore conservation and search dogs - the value of a novel, non-invasive technique in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.  
Beecham JJ.  1983.  Population characteristics of black bears in west central Idaho.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  47(2):405-412.
Beever EA, Brussard PF, Berger J.  2003.  Patterns of apparent extirpation among isolated populations of pikas (Ochotona princeps) in the Great Basin.  Journal of Mammalogy.  84(1):37-54.
Belk D, D. Rogers C.  2002.  A confusing trio of Branchinecta (Crustacea: Anostraca) from the western North America with a description of a new species.  Hydrobiologia.  486(1):49–55.
Belk D, D. Rogers C.  2002.  A confusing trio of Branchinecta (Crustacea: Anostraca) from the western North America with a description of a new species.  Hydrobiologia.  486(1):49–55.
Belk D, D. Rogers C.  2002.  A confusing trio of Branchinecta (Crustacea: Anostraca) from the western North America with a description of a new species.  Hydrobiologia.  486(1):49–55.
Bellocq M.I, Bendell J.F, Cadogan B.L.  1992.  Effects of the insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis on Sorex cinereus (masked shrew) populations, diet, and prey selection in a jack pine plantation in northern Ontario.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  70(3):505-510.  Available from
Belnap J, Kaltenecker JHilty, Rosentreter R, Williams J, Leonard S, Eldridge D.  2001.  Biological soil crusts: ecology and management.    Available from
Belthoff J, Boves T.  2005.  Establishment of burrowing owl point-count routes within lands administered by BLM Shoshone Field Office and results of 2005 breeding season surveys.  
Belthoff JR, King R.A.  2002.  Nest-site characteristics of burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) in the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area, Idaho, and applications to artificial burrow installation.  Western North American Naturalist.  62(1):112-119.  Available from
Berenbrock C.  1993.  Effects of well discharges on hydraulic heads in and spring discharges from the Geothermal Aquifer System in the Bruneau area, Owyhee County, southwestern Idaho.    Available from
Bhatt R, Gill MJ, Hamilton H, Han X, Linden HM, Young BE.  2019.  Uneven use of biodiversity indicators in 5th National Reports to the Convention on Biological Diversity.  Environmental Conservation.  Online:1-7.
Blaustein AR, Belden LK, Olson DH, Green DM, Root TL, Kiesecker JM.  2001.  Amphibian breeding and climate change.  Conservation Biology.  15(6):1804-1809.  Available from,,
Blaustein AR, D. Hokit G, O'Hara RK, Holt RA.  1994.  Pathogenic fungus contributes to amphibian losses in the Pacific Northwest.  Biological Conservation.  67(3):251-254.  Available from
Blaustein AR, Belden LK, Olson DH, Green DM, Root TL, Kiesecker JM.  2001.  Amphibian breeding and climate change.  Conservation Biology.  15(6):1804-1809.  Available from,,
Blaustein AR, D. Hokit G, O'Hara RK, Holt RA.  1994.  Pathogenic fungus contributes to amphibian losses in the Pacific Northwest.  Biological Conservation.  67(3):251-254.  Available from