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Journal Article
Tubbesing C, Strohm C, DeBano SJ, Gonzalez N, Kimoto C, Taylor RV.  2014.  Insect visitors and pollination ecology of Spalding's catchfly (Silene spaldingii) in the Zumwalt Prairie of northeastern Oregon.  Natural Areas Journal.  34(2):200-211.  Available from
Tubbesing C, Strohm C, DeBano SJ, Gonzalez N, Kimoto C, Taylor RV.  2014.  Insect visitors and pollination ecology of Spalding's catchfly (Silene spaldingii) in the Zumwalt Prairie of northeastern Oregon.  Natural Areas Journal.  34(2):200-211.  Available from
Tubbesing C, Strohm C, DeBano SJ, Gonzalez N, Kimoto C, Taylor RV.  2014.  Insect visitors and pollination ecology of Spalding's catchfly (Silene spaldingii) in the Zumwalt Prairie of northeastern Oregon.  Natural Areas Journal.  34(2):200-211.  Available from
McCafferty W.P, Meyer M.D.  2007.  Insecta, Ephemeroptera: transcontinental range extensions in western North America.  Check List.  3(1):51-54.  Available from
Ferguson RB, Furniss MM, Basile JV.  1963.  Insects destructive to bitterbrush flowers and seeds in southwestern Idaho.  Journal of Economic Entomology.  56(4):459-462.
Fothergill K, Levy-Boyd D.  2008.  Interactions between butterflies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) and plants (Spermatophyta: Magnoliophyta) in south central Idaho.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  44(2):5p.+tables.
Fothergill K, Levy-Boyd D.  2008.  Interactions between butterflies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) and plants (Spermatophyta: Magnoliophyta) in south central Idaho.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  44(2):5p.+tables.
Fothergill K, Levy-Boyd D.  2008.  Interactions between butterflies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) and plants (Spermatophyta: Magnoliophyta) in south central Idaho.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  44(2):5p.+tables.
Steenhof K, Kochert MN, McDonald TL.  1997.  Interactive effects of prey and weather on golden eagle reproduction.  Journal of Animal Ecology.  66(3):350-362.  Available from
Soberón J, A. Peterson T.  2005.  Interpretation of models of fundamental ecological niches and species' distributional areas.  Biodiversity Informatics.  2:1-10.  Available from
Fraley, Jr. L, Bowman GC, Markham O.D.  1982.  Iodine-129 in rabbit thyroids near a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Idaho.  Health Physics.  43(2):251-258.  Available from
Larsen EW, Girvetz EH, Fremier AK.  2007.  Landscape level planning in alluvial riparian floodplain ecosystems: using geomorphic modeling to avoid conflicts between human infrastructure and habitat conservation.  Landscape and Urban Planning.  79(3-4):338–346.  Available from
Simons EM, Laundré JW.  2004.  A large-scale regional assessment of suitable habitat for pygmy rabbits in southwestern Idaho.  Northwest Science.  78(1):33-41.  Available from
Grayson DK.  2006.  The Late Quaternary biogeographic histories of some Great Basin mammals (western USA).  Quaternary Science Reviews.  25:2964–2991.
Grayson DK.  2006.  The Late Quaternary biogeographic histories of some Great Basin mammals (western USA).  Quaternary Science Reviews.  25:2964–2991.
Stauber E, Finch N, Talcott PA, Gay JM.  2010.  Lead poisoning of bald (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and golden (Aquila chrysaetos) eagles in the US inland Pacific Northwest region—an 18-year retrospective study: 1991–2008.  Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery.  24(4):279-287.  Available from
Wiens JA, Rotenberry JT, Van Horne B.  1986.  A lesson in the limitations of field experiments: shrubsteppe birds and habitat alteration.  Ecology.  67(2):365-376.
Miller JED, Rossman A, Rosentreter R, Ponzetti J.  2011.  Lichen ecology and diversity of a sagebrush steppe in Oregon: 1977 to the present.  North American Fungi.  6:1-14.
Pocewicz A, Morgan P, Eigenbrode SD.  2009.  Local and landscape effects on butterfly density in northern Idaho grasslands and forests.  Journal of Insect Conservation.  13(6):593–601.  Available from
Katzner TE, Parker KL.  1998.  Long-distance movements from established burrow sites by pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) in southwestern Wyoming.  Northwestern Naturalist.  79(2):72-74.  Available from
Andrews DA, G. Minshall W.  1979.  Longitudinal and seasonal distribution of benthic invertebrates in the Little Lost River, Idaho.  American Midland Naturalist.  102(2):225-236.  Available from
Bartel RA, Knowlton FF, L. Stoddart C.  2008.  Long-term patterns in mammalian abundance in northern portions of the Great Basin.  Journal of Mammalogy.  89(5):1170-1183.
Hossack BR, Adams MJ, Grant EHCampbel, Pearl CA, Bettaso JB, Barichivich WJ, Lowe WH, True K, Ware JL, Corn PStephen.  2010.  Low prevalence of chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) in amphibians of U.S. headwater streams.  Journal of Herpetology.  44(2):253-260.  Available from,
Grayson DK.  2000.  Mammalian responses to Middle Holocene climatic change in the Great Basin of the western United States.  Journal of Biogeography.  27(1):181-192.  Available from,
Whitlow WB, E. Hall R.  1933.  Mammals of the Pocatello region of southeastern Idaho.  University of California Publications in Zoology.  40(3):235-276.