Bibliography and Citations

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Frest TJ, Johannes EJ.  1992.  Distribution and ecology of the endemic and relict mollusc fauna of Idaho TNC's Thousand Springs Preserve.  
Frest TJ, Johannes EJ.  1992.  Distribution and ecology of the endemic and relict mollusc fauna of Idaho TNC's Thousand Springs Preserve.  
Muths E, Pilliod DS, Livo LJ.  2008.  Distribution and environmental limitations of an amphibian pathogen in the Rocky Mountains, USA.  Biological Conservation.  141(6):1484–1492.
Muths E, Pilliod DS, Livo LJ.  2008.  Distribution and environmental limitations of an amphibian pathogen in the Rocky Mountains, USA.  Biological Conservation.  141(6):1484–1492.
Muths E, Pilliod DS, Livo LJ.  2008.  Distribution and environmental limitations of an amphibian pathogen in the Rocky Mountains, USA.  Biological Conservation.  141(6):1484–1492.
Hamilton GB, Peterson CR, Wall WA.  1998.  Distribution and habitat relationships of amphibians on the Potlatch Corporation operating area in northern Idaho.  
Atkinson EC, Atkinson ML.  1990.  Distribution and status of flammulated owls (Otus flammeolus) on the Salmon National Forest.  
Boxall PC, Stepney PHR.  1982.  The distribution and status of the barred owl in Alberta.  Canadian Field-Naturalist.  96(1):46-50.  Available from
Egly RM, Larson ER.  2018.  Distribution, habitat associations, and conservation status updates for the pilose crayfish.  PeerJ.  6:1-25.
Andrews DA, G. Minshall W.  1979.  Distribution of benthic invertebrates in the lost streams of Idaho.  American Midland Naturalist.  102(1):140-148.  Available from
Andrews DA, G. Minshall W.  1979.  Distribution of benthic invertebrates in the lost streams of Idaho.  American Midland Naturalist.  102(1):140-148.  Available from
Knick ST, Dyer DL.  1997.  Distribution of black-tailed jackrabbit habitat determined by GIS in southwestern Idaho.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  61(1):75-85.  Available from, .
Welp L, Gardner J, editors.  2019.  Do mechanical vegetation treatments of pinyon–juniper and sagebrush communities work? A review of the literature
Welp L, Gardner J, editors.  2019.  Do mechanical vegetation treatments of pinyon–juniper and sagebrush communities work? A review of the literature
Knowlton G.F, Hanson W.J, Bohart G.E.  1974.  Dolichopodidae (Diptera) and Braconidae (Hymenoptera) of Curlew Valley.  Terrestrial Arthropod Series No. 10..    Available from
Carpenter G., Gillison A.N, Winter J..  1993.  DOMAIN: a flexible modelling procedure for mapping potential distributions of plants and animals.  Biodiversity and Conservation.  2(6):667-680.  Available from
Wood J.  2000.  Draft recovery plan for the Bruneau hot springsnail (Pyrgulopsis bruneauensis).    Available from;view=1up;seq=1
Hayes G, Wiles GJ.  2013.  Draft Washington State bat conservation plan.    Available from
Takahashi M.  2012.  Dynamics of the interactions between big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata L.) and its associated arthropods in southeastern Idaho: food webs and effects of herbivory in a changing climate [dissertation].  Biological Sciences.  :170.  Available from