Bibliography and Citations

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Kirby VC.  1980.  An adaptive modification in the ribs of woodpeckers and piculets (Picidae).  Auk.  97(3):521-532.  Available from
Kirk JJ.  1988.  Western spotted frog (Rana pretiosa) mortality following forest spraying of DDT.  Herpetological Review.  19(3):51-53.  Available from
Kirkland, Jr. GL.  1977.  Responses of small mammals to the clearcutting of northern Appalachian forests.  Journal of Mammalogy.  58(4):600-609.  Available from
Kirkland, Jr. GL.  1976.  Small mammals of a mine waste situation in the central Adirondacks, New York: a case of opportunism by Peromyscus maniculatus.  American Midland Naturalist.  95(1):103-110.  Available from,
Kirkpatrick R.S.  1987.  A flora of the southeastern Absarokas, Wyoming.  :166pp..
Kirn) APipp(.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Pipp (Kirn), Andrea..  
Kisen N.  2012.  2012 Special Status Plant Surveys-Boardman to Hemingway Transmission Line Project.  
Kitchen E.A.  1934.  Mountain quail.  
Kitchin E.A.  1922.  Nesting notes at Tacoma in 1922.  Murrelet.  2:13-18.
Kjelstrom L.C.  1992.  Assessment of spring discharge to the Snake River, Milner Dam to King Hill, Idaho.  Water Fact Sheet, Open-File Report 92-147.    Available from
Klein N.K, Rosenberg K.V.  1986.  Feeding of Brown-Headed Cowbird (MOLOTHRUS ATER) fledglings by more than one "host" species.  Auk.  103:213-214.
Klekowski EJ, Beal EO.  1965.  A study of variation in the Potamogeton capillaceus-diversifolius complex (Potamogetonaceae).  Brittonia.  17(2):175-181.  Available from
Klemash D., Robertson I..  2002.  Insect-mediated pollination in slickspot peppergrass, Lepidium papilliferum (Brassicaceae).
Klemm DJ, Daniels BA, Moser WE, Lester R.JG.  2003.  Biology of the leech Actinobdella inequiannulata Moore, 1901 (Annelida: Hirudinea: Rhynchobdellida: Glossiphoniidae), parasitic on the white sucker, Catostomus commersoni Lacepède, 1803, and the longnose sucker, Catostomus catostomus Forster, 1773.  Comparative Parasitology.  70(2):120-127.  Available from
Klemmedson JO, Tiedemann AR.  1998.  Lithosequence of soils and associated vegetation on subalpine range of the Wasatch Plateau, Utah.  Research Note.  
Klicka J., Fry A.J, Zink R.M, Thompson C.W.  2001.  A cytochrome-b perspective on PASSERINA bunting relationships.  Auk.  118:611-623.
Klinger D., Koch T..  1994.  Bald eagles on the road to recovery in Pacific region; prospects in Northwest, California appear bright. News Release, June 30.  
Klinka K., Krajina V.J, Ceska A., Scagel A.M.  1989.  Indicator plants of coastal British Columbia.
Klott J..  1992.  Map showing locations of populations of Cicindela arenicola discovered in April 1992 at Bruneau Dunes State Park; accompanied by an explanatory letter.  
Klott J..  1993.  Letter to Idaho Conservation Data Center, dated 10/22/93, giving productivity information for "old" ferruginous hawk nests, as well as new location information for ferruginous hawk and loggerhead shrike nests.  
Klott J..  1997.  Letter to the Conservation Data Center presenting 1997 monitoring results of ferruginous hawk nest sites along with western burrowing owl, Swainson's hawk and spotted bat sites on the Jarbidge Resource Area.  
Klott J..  1994.  Letter to Conservation Data Center, dated 19 October 1994, giving nest site locations for western burrowing owl, loggerhead shrike, and ferruginous hawk; observation locations for pygmy rabbit; and results of ferruginous hawk nest monitoring.  
Klott J.H, Smith R.B, Vullo C..  1993.  Sage grouse habitat use in the Brown's Bench area of south-central Idaho.  
Klott J..  1997.  Letter to the Conservation Data Center presenting 1996 monitoring results of ferruginous hawk nest sites, including Swainson's hawks, spotted bats, western burrowing owls and rare plants on the Jarbidge Resource Area.  
Klott J.  2011.  Jarbidge Field Office wildlife inventory work for the 2010 field season.