Bibliography and Citations

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Klott J..  1992.  Raptor nest monitoring forms for ferruginous hawk nests on the Boise District BLM, Jarbidge RA, and Saylor Creek Air Force Range.  
Klott J..  1992.  Map showing locations of populations of Cicindela arenicola discovered in April 1992 at Bruneau Dunes State Park; accompanied by an explanatory letter.  
Klott J.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Klott, Jim..  
Klott J..  1993.  Letter to Idaho Conservation Data Center, dated 10/22/93, giving productivity information for "old" ferruginous hawk nests, as well as new location information for ferruginous hawk and loggerhead shrike nests.  
Klott J., Lindzey F.G.  1990.  Brood habitats of sympatric sage grouse and Columbian sharp-tailed grouse in Wyoming.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  54:84-88.
Klott J..  1997.  Sensitive animals of the Jarbidge Resource Area, Idaho–additions.  
Klott J..  1991.  Raptor nest inventory on the Deep Creek Resource Area, 1985-1991.  
Klott J..  1997.  Letter to the Conservation Data Center presenting 1997 monitoring results of ferruginous hawk nest sites along with western burrowing owl, Swainson's hawk and spotted bat sites on the Jarbidge Resource Area.  
Klott J..  1994.  Letter to Conservation Data Center, dated 19 October 1994, giving nest site locations for western burrowing owl, loggerhead shrike, and ferruginous hawk; observation locations for pygmy rabbit; and results of ferruginous hawk nest monitoring.  
Klott J.  1996.  Sensitive animals of the Jarbidge Resource Area, Idaho.  
Klute DS, Ayers LW, Green MT, Howe WH, Jones SL, Shaffer JA, Sheffield SR, Zimmerman TS.  2003.  Status assessment and conservation plan for the western burrowing owl in the United States.    Available from
Knapp RA, Morgan JAT.  2006.  Tadpole mouthpart depigmentation as an accurate indicator of Chytridiomycosis, an emerging disease of amphibians.  Copeia.  2006(2):188–197.  Available from
Knapp P.A.  1996.  Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L) dominance in the Great Basin Desert, history, persistence, and influences to human activities.  Global Environmental Change.  6(1):37-52.
Knapp PA, Soulé PT, Grissino-Mayer HD.  2001.  Post-drought growth responses of western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis var. occidentalis) in central Oregon.  Geophysical Research Letters.  28(13):2657-2660.  Available from
Knapp B.E.  1997.  Small mammal, reptile, amphibian, and bat species associations with habitat type classes and successional stages in west central Idaho.  :128pp..
Knecht D., Harrod R.J.  1996.  Population trends and habitat characteristics of Cypripedium fasciculatum in the Cascade Range, Abstract.
Kneip É, Van Vuren DH, Hostetler JA, Oli MK.  2011.  Influence of population density and climate on the demography of subalpine golden-mantled ground squirrels.  Journal of Mammalogy.  92(2):367-377.  Available from,
Knetter S.  2015.  Nest productivity results from 2009 - 2015 for bald eagle nest monitoring efforts in Idaho [Excel spreadsheet].  
Knetter S.  1978.  Microsoft Excel spreadsheet of annual bald eagle nest survey reports for the Panhandle region, 1978-2007.  
Knetter S.  2010.  ArcGIS shapefile documents containing records of wolverine sightings in Idaho that occurred between 1989 and 2010.  
Knetter S.  2006.  Microsoft Excel document of harlequin duck survey results in Fish and Game Region 1 from 1995 through 2006.  
Knetter S.  2009.  Excel spreadsheet for 2008 nest productivity results from bald eagle nest monitoring efforts. 266 records.  
Knetter S.  2015.  ArcGIS shapefiles containing dataset of Yellow-Billed Cukoo and other bird sightings in Idaho 2010-2012.  
Knick S..  1986.  Unpublished proposal and report for Section 6, Endangered Species Act.  
Knick S..  1988.  Selkirk Mountains grizzly bear study (1985-1987).