Bibliography and Citations

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Kenagy G.J.  1973.  Adaptations for leaf eating in the Great Basin kangaroo rat, Dipodomys microps.  Oecologia.  12(4):383-412.  Available from
Bohart G.E, Knowlton G.F.  1973.  The bees of Curlew Valley (Utah and Idaho).  Proceedings of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters.  50(1):1-9.  Available from
McCourt K.H, Boag D.A, Keppie D.M.  1973.  Female spruce grouse activities during laying and incubation.  Auk.  90(3):619-623.
Koslucher DG, G. Minshall W.  1973.  Food habits of some benthic invertebrates in a northern cool-desert stream (Deep Creek, Curlew Valley, Idaho–Utah).  Transactions of the American Microscopical Society.  92(3):441-452.  Available from
Karg K..  1973.  Huff Lake Bog.  
Kushlan J.A.  1973.  Least bittern nesting colonially.  Auk.  90:685-686.
Koponen T..  1973.  Rhizomnium (Miniaceae) in North America.  Annales Botanici Fennici.  10:1-26.
Gittins A.R, Bishop G.W, Knowlton G.F, Parker E.J.  1976.  An annotated list of the aphids of Idaho (Homoptera: Aphidae).  
Kawamichi T..  1976.  Hay territory and dominance rank of pikas (OCHOTONA PRINCEPS).  Journal of Mammalogy.  57:133-148.
Churchill SP, Kaul RB, Sutherland DM.  1976.  New and noteworthy plant records for Nebraska.  Southwestern Naturalist.  21(3):403-405.
Churchill S.P, Kaul R.B, Sutherland D.M.  1976.  New records of native and introduced plants from Nebraska.  Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences.  3:32-36.
Henderson J.A, Mauk R.L, Anderson D.L, Ketchie R., Lawton P., Simon S., Sperger R.H, Young R.W, Youngblood A..  1976.  Preliminary forest habitat-types of northwestern Utah and adjacent Idaho.  
Kochert M.N, Bammann A.R.  1976.  Reproductive performance, food habits and population dynamics of raptors in the Snake River Birds of Prey Natural Area.  
Kruckeberg A.R.  1976.  RM-229. Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO.  American Fern Journal.  66(2):39-45.
Tiedemann AR, Klock GO, Mason LL, Sears DE.  1976.  Shrub plantings for erosion control in eastern Washington - progress and research needs.  
Kirkland, Jr. GL.  1976.  Small mammals of a mine waste situation in the central Adirondacks, New York: a case of opportunism by Peromyscus maniculatus.  American Midland Naturalist.  95(1):103-110.  Available from,
Keener C.S.  1976.  Studies in the Ranunculaceae of the Southeastern United States. II. Thalictrum L.  Rhodora.  78(815):457-472.