Bibliography and Citations

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Keller B.L.  1997.  An analysis of bat occupancy of selected inactive mines located adjacent to the shore of Lake Pend Oreille, Bonner County, and the Bethlehem and Montgomery Mine, Boundary County, Idaho.  
Keller B.L.  1997.  An analysis of selected mines as bat habitat in the greater Coeur d'Alene mining region, Shoshone County, Idaho with special reference to mines near Clark Fork, Bonner County, Idaho: summary and research year 3. Final Report.  
Kay CE.  1997.  Is aspen doomed? Journal of Forestry.  95(5):4-11.  Available from
Csuti B, A. Kimerling J, O'Neil TA, Shaughnessy MM, Gaines EP, Huso MMP.  1997.  Atlas of Oregon wildlife: distribution, habitat, and natural history. Corvallis: Oregon State University Press.  
Belthoff J.R, R. King A.  1997.  Between-year movements and nest burrow use by burrowing owls in southwestern Idaho, 1996 annual report.  
King DA.  1997.  Branch growth and biomass allocation in Abies amabilis saplings in contrasting light environments.  Tree Physiology.  17(4):251-258.
Spackman S., Jennings B., Coles J., Dawson C., Minton M., Kratz A., Spurrier C..  1997.  Colorado Rare Plant Field Guide.  Prepared for the Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Forest Service, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service by the Colorado Natural Heritage Program.  
Kaltenecker G.S.  1997.  Continued monitoring of Boise's wintering bald eagles, final report.  
Kaltenecker G.S.  1997.  Continued monitoring of Boise's wintering bald eagles, winter 1996/1997, Final report.  
Green DM, Kaiser H, Sharbel TF, Kearsley J, McAllister KR.  1997.  Cryptic species of spotted frogs, Rana pretiosa complex, in western North America.  Copeia.  1997(1):1-8.  Available from
Green DM, Kaiser H, Sharbel TF, Kearsley J, McAllister KR.  1997.  Cryptic species of spotted frogs, Rana pretiosa complex, in western North America.  Copeia.  1997(1):1-8.  Available from
Knick ST, Dyer DL.  1997.  Distribution of black-tailed jackrabbit habitat determined by GIS in southwestern Idaho.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  61(1):75-85.  Available from, .
Kagan J.  1997.  Draft species management guide for Arabis hastatula Greene.  
Bohn K., Bohn K., Keller B.L.  1997.  Forest dwelling bat populations in the Crystal Creek area, Pocatello Ranger District, Caribou National Forest.  
Bohn K., Bohn K., Keller B.L.  1997.  Forest dwelling bat populations in the Crystal Creek area, Pocatello Ranger District, Caribou National Forest: second year.  
Kraayenbrink J..  1997.  Important bird areas in Idaho site nomination form for the Snake River Area of Critical Concern.  
Marzluff J.M, Kimsey B.A, Schuek L.S, McFadzen M.E, Vekasy M.S, Bednarz J.C.  1997.  The influence of habitat, prey abundance, sex, and breeding success on the ranging behavior of prairie falcons.  Condor.  99:567-584.
Steenhof K, Kochert MN, McDonald TL.  1997.  Interactive effects of prey and weather on golden eagle reproduction.  Journal of Animal Ecology.  66(3):350-362.  Available from
Barbour J.G., Kiviat E..  1997.  Introduced purple loosestrife as host of native Saturniidae (Lepidoptera).  Great Lakes Entomologist.  30(3):115-122.