Bibliography and Citations

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C. Knisley B, Hill JM.  2001.  Biology and conservation of the coral pink sand dunes tiger beetle, Cicindela limbata albissima Rumpp.  Western North American Naturalist.  61(4):381-394.  Available from
Knobel E, Faust ME.  1977.  Field guide to the grasses, sedges and rushes of the United States. Edition Second Edition.   Dover Publications.  
Knoop J..  1986.  Recent discoveries to the flora of Ohio. 86.  
Knopf F.L, Samson F.B.  1994.  Scale perspectives on avian diversity in western riparian ecosystems.  Conservation Biology.  8(3):669-676.
Knopf F.L, Miller B.J.  1994.  CHARADRIUS MONTANUS - montane, grassland, or bare-ground plover? Auk.  111:504-506.
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Knowlton G.F, Hanson W.J, Bohart G.E.  1974.  Dolichopodidae (Diptera) and Braconidae (Hymenoptera) of Curlew Valley.  Terrestrial Arthropod Series No. 10..    Available from
Knowlton G.F., Harmston F.C..  1943.  Grasshopper and crickets eaten by Utah birds.  Auk.  60:589-591.
Knowlton GF.  1974.  Some pseudoscorpions of Curlew Valley.  Terrestrial Arthropods Series No. 11.    Available from
Knudsen GR, Dixon RD, Amelon SK.  2013.  Potential spread of white-nose syndrome of bats to the Northwest: epidemiological considerations.  Northwest Science.  87(4):292-306.
Knupp D.M, Owen, Jr. R.B, Dimond J.B.  1977.  Reproductive biology of the American Robin in northern Main.  Auk.  94:80-85.
Knutson M.G, Klaas E.E.  1998.  Floodplain forest loss and changes in forest community composition and structure in the Upper Mississippi River: a wildlife habitat at risk.  Natural Areas Journal.  18(2):138-150.
Koch R.F, Courchesne A.E, Collins C.T.  1970.  Sexual differences in foraging behavior of white-headed woodpeckers.  Bulletin Southern California Academy of Sciences.  69(1):60-64.
Koch J, Strange J, Williams P.  2012.  Bumble bees of the western United States.    Available from
Koch JBerenguer.  2011.  The decline and conservation status of North American bumble bees [master's thesis].  Biology.  :133.  Available from
Koch E.D, Wood G., Peterson C.R, P. Corn S.  1997.  A summary of the conference on declining and sensitive amphibians in the Rocky Mountains and Pacific Northwest.  
Koch P..  1987.  Gross characteristics of lodgepole pine trees in North America.  
Kochert M.N, Steenhof K., Doremus J..  1985.  Ferruginous hawk nesting surveys in the Snake River Birds of Prey Area: implications for long-term monitoring, abstract. 1985 Raptor Research Foundation Symposium on the management of birds of prey; international meeting, November 1-10, 1985.  Sacramento (California)
Kochert MN, Steenhof K, Moritsch MQ.  1983.  Evaluation of patagial markers for raptors and ravens.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  11(3):271-281.  Available from
Kochert M.N, Bammann A.R.  1976.  Reproductive performance, food habits and population dynamics of raptors in the Snake River Birds of Prey Natural Area.  
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Kochert M.N, Steenhof K., Mcintyre C.L, Craig E.H.  2002.  Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos).  Birds of North America Online.  (684)  Available from
Kochert M.N.  0.  Responses of raptors to livestock grazing in the western United States.  
Kochert MN, Steenhof K.  2002.  Golden eagles in the U.S. and Canada: status, trends, and conservation challenges.  Journal of Raptor Research.  36(1 Supplement):32-40.  Available from
Kochert MN.  2011.  Golden eagle nest data for the NCA: 1966-2011.