Bibliography and Citations

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Wagner WL, Stockhouse RE, Klein WM.  1985.  The systematics and evolution of the Oenothera caespitosa species complex (Onagraceae). 12.  
Kearns CAnn, Inouye DWilliam.  1993.  Techniques for Pollination Biologists. Boulder (CO): University Press of Colorado.  
Turner M, Kuhlmann E.  2014.  Trees & Shrubs of the Pacific Northwest. Timber Press Field Guide.  Portland (Oregon): Timber Press, Inc..  
Sørensen OJakob, Kvam T, Wabakken P, Landa A.  1986.  Ulven (Canis lupus L.) i Norge 1948-84 [The wolf (Canis Lupus L.) in Norway 1948-84]. Viltrapport.  33.  Trondheim: Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management.  
Kent M.  2012.  Vegetation Description and Data Analysis: A Practical Approach, 2nd Edition. Edition Second.  Chichester, West Sussex (UK): Wiley-Blackwell, A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd..  
Kuchler A.W.  1967.  Vegetation mapping.
Alverson W.S, Kuhlman W., Waller D.M.  1994.  Wild forests conservation biology and public policy.
Book Chapter
Veblen TT.  2000.  Disturbance patterns in southern Rocky Mountain forests. Forest fragmentation in the southern Rocky Mountains.  Knight RL, Smith FW, Buskirk SW, Romme WH, Baker WL, editors. Boulder (CO): Colorado University Press.   p. 31-54.  Available from
Naugle DE, Doherty KE, Walker BL, Holloran MJ, Copeland HE.  2011.  Energy development and greater sage-grouse. Knick ST, Connelly JW, editors. Berkeley: University of California Press.   p. 489-503.  Available from
Meehl GA, Stocker TF, Collins WD, Friedlingstein P, Gaye AT, Gregory JM, Kitoh A, Knutti R, Murphy JM, Noda A et al..  2007.  Global climate projections. Solomon S., Qin D., Manning M., Chen Z., Marquis M., Averyt K.B, Tignor M., Miller H.L, editors. Cambridge, UK and New York (NY): Cambridge University Press.   p. 748-845.  Available from
Meehl GA, Stocker TF, Collins WD, Friedlingstein P, Gaye AT, Gregory JM, Kitoh A, Knutti R, Murphy JM, Noda A et al..  2007.  Global climate projections. Solomon S., Qin D., Manning M., Chen Z., Marquis M., Averyt K.B, Tignor M., Miller H.L, editors. Cambridge, UK and New York (NY): Cambridge University Press.   p. 748-845.  Available from
Garton EO, Connelly JW, Horne JS, Hagen CA, Moser A, Schroeder MA.  2011.  Greater sage-grouse population dynamics and probability of persistence. Edition Studies in Avian Biology No. 38.  Knick ST, Connelly JW, editors. Berkeley (CA): University of California Press.   p. 293-381.  Available from
Spear S.  2012.  Habitat connectivity for western rattlesnake (Crotalus oreganus) in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion. Appendix A.9 in: Washington Wildlife Habitat Connectivity Working Grp. Washington connected landscapes project: analysis of the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion. Cosentino B, Hall B, Kavanagh D, McRae B, Shirk A, editors. Olympia (WA): Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; Washington Department of Transportation.   p. A.9-1–A.9-27.  Available from
R. Campbell W, Dawe NK, McTaggart-Cowan I, Cooper JM, Kaiser GW, McNall MCE.  1990.  Harlequin duck, Histrionicus histrionicus (Linnaeus). The birds of British Columbia.  1.  Victoria, BC (Canada): Royal British Columbia Museum in association with Environment Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service.   p. Not paged.
De Graff M-A, Johns A.  2014.  Herbicide impacts on forb performance in degraded sagebrush steppe ecosystems. Great Basin native plant project: 2014 progress report.  Kilkenny F, Halford A, Malcomb A, editors. Boise (ID): U. S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.   p. 60-68.  Available from
Larson ER, Williams BW.  2015.  Historical biogeography of Pacifastacus crayfishes and their branchiobdellidan and entocytherid ectosymbionts in western North America. Freshwater crayfish: a global overview.  Kawai T, Faulkes Z, Scholtz G, editors. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press.   p. 404–447.  Available from
Davidson A, Aycrigg J, Grossman E, Kagan J, Lennartz S, McDonough S., Miewald T, Ohmann J, Sajwaj T, Tobalske C.  2013.  Land cover classification and mapping. Aycrigg JL, Andersen M, Beauvais G, Croft M, Davidson A, Duarte L, Kagan J, Keinath D, Lennartz S, Lonneker J et al., editors. U.S. Geological Survey, Gap Analysis Program.   p. 31-57.  Available from
Davidson A, Aycrigg J, Grossman E, Kagan J, Lennartz S, McDonough S., Miewald T, Ohmann J, Sajwaj T, Tobalske C.  2013.  Land cover classification and mapping. Aycrigg JL, Andersen M, Beauvais G, Croft M, Davidson A, Duarte L, Kagan J, Keinath D, Lennartz S, Lonneker J et al., editors. U.S. Geological Survey, Gap Analysis Program.   p. 31-57.  Available from
Davidson A, Aycrigg J, Grossman E, Kagan J, Lennartz S, McDonough S., Miewald T, Ohmann J, Sajwaj T, Tobalske C.  2013.  Land cover classification and mapping. Aycrigg JL, Andersen M, Beauvais G, Croft M, Davidson A, Duarte L, Kagan J, Keinath D, Lennartz S, Lonneker J et al., editors. U.S. Geological Survey, Gap Analysis Program.   p. 31-57.  Available from
Hafner DJ, Hafner JC.  1998.  Microdipodops megacephalus Merriam 1891: dark kangaroo mouse. Hafner DJ, Yensen E, Kirkland GL, editors. Gland, Switzerland, and Cambridge (United Kingdom): International Union of the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).   p. 79-80.  Available from
Friggens MM, Warwell MV, Chambers JC, Kitchen SG, Finch DM.  2012.  Modeling and predicting vegetation response of western USA grasslands, shrublands, and deserts to climate change. Edition General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-285.  Fort Collins (CO): U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.   p. 1-20.  Available from
Bjergo C., Boydstun C., Crosby M., Kokkanakis S., Sayers R..  1995.  Non-native aquatic species in the United States and coastal waters. Our living resources: a report to the nation on the distribution, abundance, and health of U. S. plants, animals and ecosystems.  LaRoe E.T, editor. Washington (DC): National Biological Service.   p. 428-431.
Beauvais GP, Andersen M, Keinath D, Aycrigg J, Lonneker J.  2013.  Predicted vertebrate species habitat distributions and species richness. Edition Draft Report.  Aycrigg JL, Andersen M, Beauvais G, Croft M, Davidson A, Duarte L, Kagan J, Keinath D, Lennartz S, Lonneker J et al., editors. U.S. Geological Survey, Gap Analysis Program.   p. 58-110.  Available from
Beauvais GP, Andersen M, Keinath D, Aycrigg J, Lonneker J.  2013.  Predicted vertebrate species habitat distributions and species richness. Edition Draft Report.  Aycrigg JL, Andersen M, Beauvais G, Croft M, Davidson A, Duarte L, Kagan J, Keinath D, Lennartz S, Lonneker J et al., editors. U.S. Geological Survey, Gap Analysis Program.   p. 58-110.  Available from
Beauvais GP, Andersen M, Keinath D, Aycrigg J, Lonneker J.  2013.  Predicted vertebrate species habitat distributions and species richness. Edition Draft Report.  Aycrigg JL, Andersen M, Beauvais G, Croft M, Davidson A, Duarte L, Kagan J, Keinath D, Lennartz S, Lonneker J et al., editors. U.S. Geological Survey, Gap Analysis Program.   p. 58-110.  Available from