Bibliography and Citations

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University of Idaho Rangeland Center, Idaho Rangeland Resources Commission.  2013.  Backpack Guide to Idaho Range Plants, Seventh Edition. Edition Seventh.  Backpack Guide to Idaho Range Plants.  Hankins-Smith J, White C, Shaw N, Villers A, editors. Boise (Idaho): University of Idaho Rangeland Center : Idaho Rangeland Resource Commission.  
Idaho State Department of Agriculture.  2008.  Idaho's official noxious weeds.
Kearns CAnn, Inouye DWilliam.  1993.  Techniques for Pollination Biologists. Boulder (CO): University Press of Colorado.  
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality.  2018.  1977-2017 macroinvertebrate data from the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality's Beneficial Use Reconnaissance Program.  
Svancara LK, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Bingle A.  2015.  2015 Invertebrate ranking input calculator.  
Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Dixon R.  2015.  2015 Vertebrate ranking input calculator.  
Idaho Power Company.  2016.  2016 Idaho Power Company wildlife and rare plant observation data.  
Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System.  2022.  2022 Aquila chrysaetos (golden eagle) import.  
Idaho Department of Fish and Game.  2004.  Animal Conservation Database.  
Griswold TL, Gonzalez VH, Ikerd H.  2014.  AnthWest, occurrence records for wool carder bees of the genus Anthidium (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae, Anthidiini).    Available from
Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Knetter S.  2015.  Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) nest productivity results in Idaho from 2009 - 2015.  
Idaho Geological Survey, Mitchell VE, Vance RE, Bennett EH, B. Studer BE, Tate CA, Stanford LR.  2015.  Database of the mines and prospects of Idaho. Version 1.2015.1.    Available from
Idaho Department of Fish and Game.  2014.  Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System, Species Diversity Database.    Available from
Idaho Department of Fish and Game.  2011.  Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System, Species Diversity Database, Idaho Natural Heritage Data.    Available from
Idaho Panhandle National Forests, Taylor J.  2003.  Idaho Panhandle bats and mines, 11/24/2003 [spreadsheet].  
Idaho Department of Fish and Game.  In Press.  IDFG statewide camera grid project.  
iDigBio.  2014.  Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio), the National Resource for Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections (ADBC).    Available from
Idaho Fish and Game.  0.  Nest Record.  
Irwin JJ.  2014.  Observations - a floristic inventory of east-central Idaho, U.S.A..  :155records.
Idaho Panhandle National Forests.  2006.  Wildlife permit report for 2006 [bat observations on U. S. Forest Service land, northern Idaho] [spreadsheet].