Bibliography and Citations

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Inman RM, Packila ML, Inman KH.  2012.  Spatial ecology of wolverines at the southern periphery of distribution.  The Journal of Wildlife Management.  76(4):p.778-792.
Inman RM, Packila ML, Inman KH.  2012.  Spatial ecology of wolverines at the southern periphery of distribution.  The Journal of Wildlife Management.  76(4):p.778-792.
Miller J., Irwin J..  2014.  Specimen labels for 2014 field season collections.  
Idaho's Yellowstone Grizzly Bear Delisting Advisory Team(IYGBDAT).  2002.  State of Idaho Yellowstone grizzly bear management plan to accompany HCR 62, as modified by House Resource and Conservation Committee.    Available from
Idaho Department of Fish and Game.  2018.  Statewide Wildlife Management Area habitat monitoring plan and techniques guide 2018-2023.  
Mulcahy DG, Cummer MR, III JRMendels, Williams BL, Ustach PC.  2002.  Status and distribution of two species of Bufo in the northeastern Bonneville Basin of Idaho and Utah.  Herpetological Review.  33(4):287-289.  Available from
Idaho Department of Fish and Game.  2011.  The status of Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus) in Idaho.    Available from
Idaho Conservation Data Center.  2008.  Status survey for Douglas' clover (Trifolium douglasii) in Idaho, 2006 and 2007 field seasons.  
Interior Bof Land Ma.  1986.  Study of the reproductive status of the Bitterroot Milkvetch, Astragalus scaphoides.  
Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Upper Snake Regional Office.  2010.  A summary of the fish and wildlife resources of the South Fork Snake River.  
Ulmshneider H, Hays D, Roberts H, Rachlow J, Forbes T, Himes J, Sequin E, Haworth M, Katzner T, Kozlowski A et al..  2008.  Surveying for pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis).