Bibliography and Citations

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Hanna P..  1975.  A plan for re-establishing California bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis californiana) into Owyhee County, Idaho.  
Henifin M.S, Morse L.E, Griffith S., Hohn J.E.  1981.  Planning field work on rare or endangered plant populations.  
Henifin M.S, Morse L.E, Griffith S., Hohn J.E.  1981.  Planning field work on rare or endangered plant populations.  
Henderson R.A.  1995.  Plant species composition of Wisconsin prairies: an aid to selecting species for plantings and restorations based upon University of Wisconsin-Madison Plant Ecology Laboratory data.  
Heidel B.L.  1995.  Plant species of special concern.  
Bal J., Wellner C., Hays M..  1995.  Plants of Bull Run Creek Research Natural Area.  
Hogander G..  2002.  Pocatello BLM office observation database.  
Lesica P., Heidel B..  1996.  Pollination biology of Silene spaldingii.  
Haufler C.H, Windham M.D, Lang F.A, Whitmore S.A.  1990.  Polypodiaceae, Polypodium.  
Gray K., Hill J..  2005.  Population and habitat monitoring of Howellia aquatilis (water howellia) at the Harvard-Palouse River Flood Plain site, Idaho: Sixth-year results.  
Ball I.G, Austin J.E, Henry A.R.  2003.  Population and nesting ecology of sandhill cranes at Grays Lake, Idaho, 1997-2000.  
Heekin P.E.  1992.  Population characteristics of mountain quail in west-central Idaho, Final Report.  
Hill J.L, Gray K.L.  2005.  Population dynamics of Spalding's silene (Silene spaldingii) in Canyon Grasslands at the Garden Creek Ranch, Craig Mountain, Idaho, 2004 field season.  
Hill J.L, Gray K.L.  2004.  Population dynamics of Spalding's silene (Silene spaldingii) in Canyon Grasslands at the Garden Creek Ranch, Craig Mountain, Idaho, 2003 field season.  
Hill J.L.  2006.  Population dynamics of Spalding's silene (Silene spaldingii) in Canyon Grasslands at the Garden Creek Ranch, Craig Mountain, Idaho, 2005 field season.  
Hill J..  2006.  Population dynamics of Spalding's silene (Silene spaldingii Wats.) in Canyon Grasslands at Garden Creek Ranch Craig Mountain, Idaho. 2006 field season progress report.  
Hill J.L.  2007.  Population Dynamics of Spalding's silene (Silene spaldingii Wats.) in Canyon Grasslands at Garden Creek Ranch, Craig Mountain, Idaho. 2006 Field Season.  
Nichols J.D, Hines J.E.  1987.  Population ecology of the mallard. VIII. Winter distribution patterns and survival rates of winter-banded mallards.  
Neiwert M., Hildreth J., Mangold D.M.  2001.  Population monitoring of Davis' peppergrass (Lepidium davisii) Small Arms Range, Mountian Home Air Force Base, Idaho: 1991-1999.  
Yensen E., Haak B..  2001.  Population survey of the southern Idaho ground squirrel.  
Hill J., Weddell B.J.  2003.  Populations dynamics of Spalding's silene (Silene spaldingii) in Canyon Grasslands at the Garden Creek Ranch, Craig Mountain, Idaho, 2002 field season.  
Hazlett D.L.  1997.  Populations of Spiranthes diluvialis discovered in SE Wyoming and Western Nebraska in 1996 and 1997.  
Harris H.T.  1989.  Populus angustifolia.  
Henderson J.A, Mauk R.L, Anderson D.L, Ketchie R., Lawton P., Simon S., Sperger R.H, Young R.W, Youngblood A..  1976.  Preliminary forest habitat-types of northwestern Utah and adjacent Idaho.  
Howard A., Munger J.C.  1999.  Preliminary report on impact of livestock grazing on spotted frogs in the Owyhee Mountains.