Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Jankovsky-Jones M..  1998.  Wetland and riparian vegetation of Squaw Creek (Schmelzer property), Gem County, Idaho.  
Jankovsky-Jones M..  1999.  Wetland and riparian plant species of the Kootenai River Valley.  
Hoff R.J, Qualls J.I, Coffen D.O.  1987.  Western white pine: an annotated bibliography.  
Tucci T.C, Lucas L.J.  2004.  Western Watersheds Project, Plaintiff, vs. Jeffrey Foss, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Gayle Norton, Secretary of the Department of the Interior, Defendants, for failure to list slickspot peppergrass (Lepidium papilliferum) as a threatened or endang.  
Tucci T.C.  2004.  Western Watersheds Project, Biodiversity Conservation Alliance, Center for Native Ecosystems, and Oregon Natural Desert Association, Plaintiff, vs. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service an agency of the United States, Defendant, for failure to list the pygmy ra.  
[Anonymous].  1977.  The western United States.  
Sauder J.  2021.  Western Ridged mussel survey in the Main Salmon River, 2021 [Excel spreadsheet].  
Eddleman L.E, Miller P.M, Miller R.F, Dysart P.L.  1994.  Western juniper woodlands (of the Pacific Northwest) - science assessment.  
Picton J..  1985.  Western Cabinet Mountains grizzly bear habitat survey.  
Red Willow Research Inc., Austin M.L.  2004.  Western Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) 2004 nest site survey project update.  
Browse Revegetation Committee.  1959.  Western browse research - a summary of findings on browse revegetation problems.  
Browse Revegetation Committee.  1958.  Western browse research - a summary of findings on browse revegetation problems.  
Browse Revegetation Committee.  1956.  Western browse research - a summary of findings on browse revegetation problems.  
Browse Revegetation Committee.  1955.  Western browse research - a summary of findings on browse revegetation problems.  
Browse Revegetation Committee.  1958.  Western browse research - a summary of findings on browse revegetation problems.  
Browse Revegetation Committee.  1956.  Western browse research - a summary of findings on browse revegetation problems.  
Browse Revegetation Committee.  1957.  Western browse research - a summary of findings on browse revegetation problems.  
Anonymous.  0.  Western bat species: regional priority matrix.  
Ohio Department of Agriculture.  1942.  Weeds and weed seeds.  
Stalling D..  0.  Weeds; an exotic invasion of elk country.  
Root T..  2003.  Weathering climate change: ecological impacts of rising temperatures.  
Finklin A.I.  1983.  Weather and climate of the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness.  
Murphy C..  2012.  Watershed and reference-based riparian restoration planning for Grimes Creek and the Boise-Mores Subbasin, Idaho.  
R. Litke T.  1986.  Water quality status report no. 83: Vinyard Creek Jerome County, Idaho 1986.  : 83.
Lichthardt J, Pekas KM.  2021.  Water Howellia (Howellia aquatilis) Surveys in Northern Idaho, 2013 to 2018.