Bibliography and Citations

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Beckwitt E..  1990.  Proposal to list the fisher as endangered in California, Oregon, and Washington.  
Bednarz JC, Klem, Jr. D, Goodrich LJ, Senner SE.  1990.  Migration counts of raptors at Hawk Mountain, Pennsylvania, as indicators of population trends, 1934–1986.  Auk.  107(1):96-109.  Available from
Beecham JJ, Kochert M.N.  1975.  Breeding biology of the golden eagle in southwestern Idaho.  Wilson Bulletin.  87(4):506-513.  Available from
Beecham J.  Submitted.  Professional Background Information.  Beecham, John.  
Beecham J.J, Zager P..  2000.  Black bear management plan: 1992-2000.  
Beecham JJ.  1983.  Population characteristics of black bears in west central Idaho.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  47(2):405-412.
Beecham J.J, Rohlman J..  1994.  A shadow in the forest: Idaho's black bear.
Beer S., Wetzel R.G.  1982.  Photosynthesis in submersed macrophytes of a temperate lake.  Plant Physiology.  70(2):488-492.
Beetle A.A.  1971.  An ecological contribution to the taxonomy of Artemisia.  Madrono.  20(8):385-386.
Beetle A.A.  1960.  A study of sagebrush. The section Tridentae of Artemisia.  
Beetle A.A, Young A..  1965.  A third subspecies in the Artemisia tridentata complex.  Rhodora.  67:405-406.
Beever EA, Brussard PF, Berger J.  2003.  Patterns of apparent extirpation among isolated populations of pikas (Ochotona princeps) in the Great Basin.  Journal of Mammalogy.  84(1):37-54.
Beever E.A, Brussard P.F, Berger J..  2003.  Patterns of apparent extirpation among isolated populations of pikas (Ochotona princeps) in the Great Basin.  Journal of Mammalogy.  84:37-54.
Beever E.A, Tausch R.J, Brussard P.F.  2003.  Characterizing grazing disturbance in semiarid ecosystems across broad scales, using diverse indices.  Ecological Applicataions.  13(1):119-136.
Behl NJ, Benkman CW.  2018.  Habitat associations and abundance of a range-restricted specialist, the Cassia Crossbill (Loxia sinesciuris).  The Condor: Ornithological Applications .  120:666-679.
Behle W.H.  1978.  Avian biogeography of the Great Basin and Intermountain Region.  Great Basin Naturalist.  2:55-80.
Behnke R..  1987.  Report on a collection of native cutthroat trout, Salmo clarki bouvieri, from Eightmile Canyon, Cassia County, Idaho.  
Behnke R.J.  1990.  How many species? Trout.  31(3):63-69.
Behnke R..  1989.  Fine-spotted Snake River cutthroat trout: Oncorhynchus (formerly Salmo) clarki subspecies.  
Behnke R.J.  1986.  Redband trout.  Trout.  27(4):34-39.
Behnke R.J.  1979.  Monograph of the native trouts of the genus Salmo of western North America.
Behnke RJ.  1980.  Systematic and zoogeographical interpretation of Great Basin trouts.  
Behnke R.J.  1990.  Still a rainbow by any other name.  Trout.  Winter:41-45.
Behnke R.J, Zarn M..  1976.  Biology and management of threatened and endangered western trouts.  
Behnke R.J.  1976.  Biology and management of threatened and endangered western trouts.