Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Shufeldt R.W.  1899.  Notes on the mountain partridge (Oreortyx pictus) in captivity.  Ornis.  10:71-76.
Shultz J.S.  1980.  Botanical survey of the Burley Ranger District with special emphasis on plant species proposed for listing as threatened or endangered: Sawtooth National Forest: Black Pine, Sublette, Raft River, Albion Mountain Divisions.  
Shultz JS, Shutlz LM.  1978.  Report on the botanical survey of endangered and threatened plants, Caribou National Forest.  
Shultz L.  2014.  Pocket guide to sagebrush. Petaluma (CA): Point Blue Conservation Science.  
Shultz L.M.  2009.  Monograph of Artemisia subgenus Tridentatae.  American Society of Plant Taxonomists, Systematic Botany Monographs.  89:1-129.
Shultz LM, Smith FJ.  2018.  Novelties in Musineon (Apiaceae) and Orthocarpus (Orobanchaceae) in the Northern Wasatch Mountains of Utah and Idaho.  Madroño.  65(1):60-64.  Available from
Shultz L.  2012.  Pocket Guide to Sagebrush. Petaluma (CA): PRBO Conservation Science.  
Shultz LM, Smith F.  2017.  Novelties in Musineon and Orthocarpus in the Northern Wasatch Mountains of Utah and Idaho, Manuscript Draft.  Novelties in Musineon and Orthocarpus in the Northern Wasatch Mountains of Utah and Idaho.  
Shumar ML, Anderson JE, Reynolds TD.  1982.  Identification of subspecies of big sagebrush by ultraviolet spectrophotometry.  Journal of Range Management.  35(1):60-62.
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Siddal J.L.  1978.  Status report for Mirabilis macfarlanei.  
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Siddall JL, Chambers KL, Wagner DH.  1979.  Rare, threatened and endangered vascular plants in Oregon: an interim report.  
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Sieracki P..  1987.  Report forms for Gaultheria hispidula population on Smith Creek near Dirt Oven Campground, Kaniksu NF.  
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Sigler WF, Sigler JW.  1987.  Fishes of the Great Basin: a natural history. Max C. Fleischmann Series in Great Basin Natural History.  Sheppard S, Morgan J, editors. Reno (NV): University of Nevada Press.    Available from
Silveira MA, Simpson MG.  2013.  Phylogenetic Systematics of the Mesa Mints: Pogogyne (Lamiaceae).  Systematic Botany, published by American Society of Plant Taxonomists.  38(3):782-794.  Available from