Bibliography and Citations

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Balda RP, Bateman GC.  1971.  Flocking and annual cycle of the piñon jay, Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus.  Condor.  73(3):287-302.  Available from
Balda RP, McKnight BClark, Johnson CD.  1975.  Flammulated owl migration in the southwestern United States.  Wilson Bulletin.  87(4):520-533.  Available from
Bal J..  1978.  Species list for the flora of Bear Valley Creek RNA.  
Bal J., Wellner C.A.  1979.  Establishment report for Iron Bog Research Natural Area within Challis National Forest, Custer County, Idaho.  
Bal J., Wellner C.A.  1988.  Species list for the flora of Bear Valley Creek RNA.  
Bal J.C.  1979.  Establishment report for Elk Creek Exclosure Research Natural Area within Boise National Forest, Elmore County, Idaho.  
Bal J., Wellner C.A.  1979.  Species list for Gibson Jack Creek Research Natural Area.  
Bal J., Wellner C., Hays M..  1995.  Plants of Bull Run Creek Research Natural Area.  
Bal J.C.  1979.  Species list for the flora of Elk Creek Exclosure Research Natural Area.  
Bakus G.J.  1959.  Observations in the life history of the dipper in Montana.  Auk.  76:90-207.
Bakhtar D, Gray F.  1971.  Origin Of "Slickspot" Soils Of North Central Oklahoma -- A Preliminary Report.  
Bakewell G, Chopek JM, Burkholder GL.  1983.  Notes on reproduction of the side-blotched lizard Uta stansburiana stansburiana in southwest Idaho.  Great Basin Naturalist.  43(3):477-482.  Available from
Baker, Charles W., Munger JC, Cornwall KC, Staufer S.  1997.  Bruneau Dunes tiger beetle study: 1994 and 1995.    Available from
Baker, Charles W., Munger JC, McCauley L, Olson M, Stephens G.  1994.  Bruneau Dunes tiger beetle inventory. Final report.    Available from
Baker C.W.  1983.  A report on field studies relative to the insects associated with Mirabilis macfarlanei during bloom period with emphasis on pollination.  
Baker M.D, Lacki J.J.  2001.  Roost-site selection and roost microclimates of tree-roosting bats in coniferous forests of the Pacific Northwest.  
Baker C..  1985.  Insects associated with Mirabilis macfarlanei (Nyctaginaceae) with emphasis on the life cycle of Lithariepteryx n. sp (Lepidoptera: Heliodinae) - Abstract. 47: April/September 1985.  
Baker C.W.  2003.  Idaho point-headed grasshopper surveys: 2002 and 2003.  
Baker W.L.  1983.  A bibliography of Colorado vegetation description.  Great Basin Naturalist.  43(1):45-64.
Baker M.D.  2004.  Roost-site Selection and Roost Microclimates of Tree-roosting Bats in Coniferous Forests of the Pacific Northwest.  
Baker MD, Lacki MJ.  2004.  Forest bat communities in the East Cascade Range, Washington.  Northwest Science.  78(3):234-241.
Baker H.R.  1927.  Buxbaumia aphylla near Newark, Delaware.  Bryologist.  
Baker F.S., Korstian C.F..  Submitted.  Is Douglas fir replacing western yellow pine in central Idaho? Journal of Forestry.  20:755-764.
Baker F.C.  1911.  The Lymnaeidae of North and middle America, recent and fossil.  
Baker W.L.  1988.  Size-class structure of contiguous riparian woodlands along a Rocky Mountain river.  Physical Geography.  9(1):1-14.