Bibliography and Citations

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Benton N.  2013.  NatureServe review and update globally imperiled (G1T1/G2T2) animal and plant taxa - July 2013.  
Bent A.C.  1963.  Mountain quail.
Benson L..  1948.  A treatise on the North American Ranunculi.  American Midland Naturalist.  40(1):1-261.
Benson L.  1982.  The cacti of the United States and Canada. Stanford (CA): Stanford University Press.  
Benson J.F, Chamberlain M.J, Leopold B.D.  2004.  Land tenure and occupation of vacant home ranges by bobcats (Lynx rufus).  Journal of Mammalogy.  85:983-988.
Benson L..  Submitted.  A revision and amplification of Pediocactus.  Cactus and Succulent Journal.  volume unknown
Bennett D.H, DuPont J.M.  1993.  Fish habitat associations of the Pend Oreille River, Idaho. Idaho Department of Fish and Game.  
Bennett E.H, Galbraith J..  1975.  Reconnaissance geology and geochemistry of the Silver City - South Mountain region, Owyhee County, Idaho.  
Benlap J., Phillips S.L.  2001.  Soil biota in an ungrazed grassland: response to annual grass (Bromus tectorum) invasion.  Ecological Applications.  11(5):1261-1275.
Benkobi L., Uresk D.W.  1996.  Seral stage classification and monitoring model for Big sagebrush/Western wheatgrass/Blue grama habitat. INT-GTR-338.  
Benkman CW, Holimon WC, Smith JW.  2001.  The influence of a competitor on the geographic mosaic of coevolution between crossbills and lodgepole pine.  Evolution.  55(2):282-294.  Available from
Benkman C.W.  1990.  Intake rates and the timing of crossbill reproduction.  Auk.  107:376-386.
Benkman C.W.  1989.  Breeding opportunities, foraging rates, and parental care in white-winged crosbills.  Auk.  106:483-485.
Benkman CW, Smith JW, Keenan PC, Parchman TL, Santisteban L.  2009.  A new species of the red crossbill (Fringillidae: Loxia) from Idaho.  Condor.  111(1):169-176.  Available from
Benjamin L.  2000.  Groundwater hydrology of the Henry's Fork springs.  Intermountain Journal of Sciences.  6(3):119-142.  Available from
Benjamin L., Van Kirk R.W.  1999.  Assessing instream flows and reservoir operations on an eastern Idaho river.  Journal of the American Water Resources Association.  35:899-909.
Bengtson S-A.  1972.  Breeding ecology of the Harlequin duck Histrionicus histrionicus (L.) in Iceland.  Ornis Scandinavica.  3(1):1-19.
Bengston S-A, Ulfstrand S.  1971.  Food resources and breeding frequency of the harlequin duck, Histrionicus histrionicus, in Iceland.  Oikos.  22(2):235-239.
Benfield C..  2004.  The ecology and demography of a rare woodland orchid, Cypripedium fasciculatum.  
Beneski, Jr. JT, Zalisko EJ, Larsen, Jr. JH.  1986.  Demography and migratory patterns of the eastern long-toed salamander, Ambystoma macrodactylum columbianum.  Copeia.  1986(2):398-408.  Available from
Benedict N.B.  1984.  Classification and dynamics of subalpine meadow ecosystems in the southern Sierra NevadaCalifornia riparian systems. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles.
Benedict E.M, Forbes R.B.  1979.  Kit fox skulls in a southeastern Oregon cave.  Murrelet.  60:25-27.
Benedict N.B.  1983.  Plant Associations of Subalpine Meadows, Sequoia National Park, California.  Arctic and Alpine Research.  15(3):383-396.
Benedict E.M, White M., Forbes R.B.  1976.  Animal remains in the Saddle Butte Lavatube System.
Bendire C..  1892.  Mountain quail.