Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Arno S.F, Gruell G.E.  1986.  Douglas-fir encroachment into mountain grasslands in southwestern Montana.  Journal of Range Management.  9(3):272-276.
Arno S.F, Hoff. R.J.  1989.  Silvics of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis).  
Arno S.F, Davis D.H.  1980.  Fire history of western redcedar/hemlock forests in northern Idaho.  
Arno S.F.  1986.  Whitebark pine cone crops–a diminishing source of wildlife food? Western Journal of Applied Forestry.  1(3):92-94.
Arno S.F.  1980.  Forest fire history in the northern Rockies.  Journal of Forestry.  78:460-465.
Arno S.F.  1979.  Forest regions of Montana.  
Arno S.F, Wilson. A.E.  1986.  Dating past fires in curl-leaf mountain mahogany communities.  Journal of Range Management.  39(3):241-243.
Arno SF, Scott JH, Hartwell MG.  1995.  Age-class structure of old growth ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir stands and its relationship to fire history.    Available from
Arno S.F, Weaver T..  1990.  Whitebark pine community types and their patterns on the landscape. INT-270.  
Arno S., Wellner C., D. Henderson HD., Johnson J..  1998.  Species list for Salmon Mountain Research Natural Area, Bitterroot National Forest, Idaho County, Idaho.  
Arno S.F, Gruell. G.E.  1983.  Fire history at the forest-grassland ecotone in southwestern Montana.  Journal of Range Management.  36(3):332-336.
Arno S.F, Simmerman D.G, Keane R.E.  1985.  Forest succession on four habitat types in western Montana.  
Arno S.F, Habeck. J.R.  1972.  Ecology of alpine larch (Larix lyallii Parl.) in the Pacific Northwest.  Ecological Monographs.  42:417-450.
Arnold R.W, Martin P.A.  1992.  Winter habitat use by male and female American kestrels, Falco sparverius, in southwestern Ontario.  Canadian Field-Naturalist.  106(3):336-341.
Arnold S.M.  1973.  Interactions of light and temperature on the germination of Plantago maritima L.  Phytologia.  72:583-593.
Arp G.  1972.  Studies in the Colorado Cacti. II. Notes on the ecology of Pediocactus simpsonii.  Cactus Succulent Journal.  44(3):108-110.
Arp G., Rogers D.J.  1970.  A computer aided classification of the varieties of Pediocactus simpsonii (Engelm.).  Cactus and Succulent Journal.  42(1):40-43.
Arsenault A., Goward T..  2000.  The drip zone effect: new insights into the distribution of rare lichens. Vol. 2.  
Arsenault A., Goward T..  1999.  Ecological characteristics of inland rain forests. 15-19 February.  
Arthur SM, Krohn WB, Gilbert JR.  1989.  Habitat use and diet of fishers.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  53(3):680-689.  Available from
Arthur S.M, Krohn W.B.  1991.  Activity patterns, movements, and reproductive ecology of fishers in southcentral Maine.  Journal of Mammalogy.  72(2):379-385.
Arthur W.J.  1982.  Radionuclide concentrations in vegetation at a solid radioactive waste-disposal area in Southeastern Idaho.  ournal of Environmental Quality.  11(3):394-399.
Arthur W.J, Connelly J.W, Halford D.K, Reynolds T.D..  1984.  Vertebrates of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.  
Arthur, III W.J, O. Markham D.  1983.  Small mammal burrowing as a radionuclide transport vector at a radioactive waste disposal area in southeastern Idaho.  Journal of Environmental Quality.  12(1):117-122.
Arthur, III W.J, Markham O.D.  1982.  Radionuclide export and elimination by coyotes at two radioactive waste disposal areas in southeastern Idaho.  Health Physics.  43(4):493-500.  Available from