Bibliography and Citations

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Wilson A, Gleisner D., Morache M.  1985.  Idaho's birds of prey. Part I: eagles, falcons, hawks, osprey, vulture.  
Wilson B.L, Hipkins V.D, Rey-Vizgirdas E., Kaye T.K.  2005.  Variation in Lewisa kelloggii (Portulacaceae) with a description of a new species endemic to Idaho.  Western North America Naturalist.  65(3):345-358.
Wilson, Jr. A.G.  1990.  A survey of the Nez Perce National Forest for the Coeur d'Alene Salamander (Plethodon idahoensis).  
Wilson L.O.  1975.  Distribution, season of use, and habitat of the mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes of Idaho.  
Wilson G.M, Van Den Bussche R.A, Kennedy P.K, Gunn A., Poole K..  Submitted.  Genetic variability of wolverines (GULO GULO) from the Northwest Territories, Canada: conservation implication.  Journal of Mammalogy.  81:186-196.
Wilson E.O.  1989.  Threats to biodiversity.  Scientific American.  261(3):108-116.
Wilson A..  1997.  Memo and list of museum specimens of Plethodon idahoensis. Personal correspondence to the Idaho Conservation Data Center.  
Wilson, Jr. A.G.  1991.  A survey of the Avery Ranger District, Panhandle National Forest, for the Coeur d'Alene salamander (Plethodon idahoensis).  
Wilson A..  1986.  Idaho's birds of prey. Part 2: owls.  
Wilson A..  1992.  Letter of July 28 to Craig Groves, Idaho Natural Heritage Program, regarding Coeur d'Alene salamander localities.  
Wilson TL, Odei JB, Hooten MB, Edwards, Jr. TC.  2010.  Hierarchical spatial models for predicting pygmy rabbit distribution and relative abundance.  Journal of Applied Ecology.  47(2):401-409.  Available from
Wilson B.L., Brainerd R., Huso M., Kuykendall K., Lytjen D., Newhouse B., Otting N., Sundberg S., Zika P..  1999.  Native Plant Society of Oregon.  Native Plant Society of Oregon.  Occasional Paper No. 1:29pp..
Wilson, Jr. A.G.  1993.  Biogeographic and morphometric analyses of the Plethodon vandykei species group.  :124pp..
Willoughby J, Hastey E, Berg K, Dittberner P, Fellows R, Holmes R, Knight J, Radtkey B, Rosentreter R.  1992.  Rare plants and natural plant communities: a strategy for the future.  
Williston PS.  2000.  Successional patterns of microbiotic crusts in ponderosa pine forests of southern inland British Columbia.  American Journal of Botany.  87(6):17.
Willis C.K.R., Brigham R.M.  2005.  Physiological and ecological aspects of roost selection by reproductive female hoary bats (Lasiurus cinereus).  Journal of Mammalogy.  86:85-94.
Willis Y.L, Moyle D.L, Baskett T.S.  1956.  Emergence, breeding, hibernation, movements and transformation of the bullfrog, RANA CATESBEIANA, in Missouri.  Copeia.  1956:30-41.
Willig M.R, Selger K.W.  1989.  Bat species density gradients in the New World: a statistical assessment.  Journal of Biogeography.  16:189-195.
Williams R.n et al..  1991.  Taxonomic and genetic analysis of five rainbow trout populations from southern Idaho.  
Williams SC.  1987.  Lectotype designations and redescription of Vejovis wupatkiensis Stahnke (Scorpiones: Vaejovidae).  Pan-Pacific Entomologist.  63(4):363-367.  Available from
Williams EH, M. Bowers D.  1987.  Factors affecting host-plant use by the montane butterfly Euphydryas gillettii (Nymphalidae).  American Midland Naturalist.  118(1):153-161.
Williams M.C, Rinne J.n.  1992.  Biodiversity management on multiple-use federal lands: an opportunity whose time has come.  Fisheries.  17(3):4-5.
Williams EH.  1981.  Thermal influences on oviposition in the montane butterfly Euphydryas gillettii.  Oecologia.  50(3):342-346.  Available from
Williams PH, Osborne JL.  2009.  Bumblebee vulnerability and conservation world-wide.  Apidologie.  40(3 Spec Issue):367–387.  Available from
Williams PH.  2021.  Not just cryptic, but a barcode bush: PTP re-analysis of global data for the bumblebee subgenus Bombus s. str. supports additional species (Apidae, genus Bombus).  Journal of Natural History.  55(5-6):271-282.  Available from