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Earnst S.L, Dobkin D.S, Ballard J.A.  2012.  Changes in avian and plant communities of aspen woodlands over 12 years after livestock removal in the northwestern Great Basin.  Conservation Biology.  doi: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2012.01903.x A12EAR01IDUS
Egea-Serrano A, Relyea RA, Tejedo M, Torralva M.  2012.  Understanding of the impact of chemicals on amphibians: a meta-analytic review.  Ecology and Evolution.  2(7):1382–1397.  Available from A12EGE01IDUS
Flint PL, Schamber JL, Trust KA, A. Miles K, Henderson JD, Wilson BW.  2012.  Chronic hydrocarbon exposure of harlequin ducks in areas affected by the Selendang Ayu oil spill at Unalaska Island, Alaska.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.  31(12):2828–2831.  Available from A12FLI01IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2012.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; review of native species that are candidates for listing as endangered or threatened; annual notice of findings on resubmitted petitions; annual description of progress on listing actions.  Federal Register.  77(225):69994-70060.  Available from A12FWS01IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2012.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; 90-day finding on a petition to list the eastern or southern Rocky Mountain population of the boreal toad as an endangered or threatened distinct population segment.  Federal Register.  77(71):21920-21936.  Available from A12FWS02IDUS
Gabriel MW, Woods LW, Poppenga R, Sweitzer RA, Thompson C, Matthews SM, Higley J.M, Keller SM, Purcell K, Barrett RH et al..  2012.  Anticoagulant rodenticides on our public and community lands: spatial distribution of exposure and poisoning of a rare forest carnivore.  PLOS ONE.  7(7):e40163. A12GAB01IDUS
Germano DJ, Rathbun GB, Saslaw LR.  2012.  Effects of grazing and invasive grasses on desert vertebrates in California.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  76(4):670-682.  Available from A12GER01IDUS
Gould WR, Patla DA, Daley R, Corn PStephen, Hossack BR, Bennetts R, Peterson CR.  2012.  Estimating occupancy in large landscapes: evaluation of amphibian monitoring in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.  Wetlands.  32(2):379-389.  Available from A12GOU01IDUS
Hendricks P.  2012.  Winter records of bats in Montana.  Northwestern Naturalist.  93(2):154-162.  Available from A12HEN01IDUS
Hershler R, Liu H-P.  2012.  Molecular phylogeny of the western North American pebblesnails, genus Fluminicola (Rissooidae: Lithoglyphidae), with description of a new species.  Journal of Molluscan Studies.  78(4):321-329.  Available from A12HER01IDUS
Hershler R, Liu H-P.  2012.  A new species of springsnail (Pyrgulopsis) from the Owyhee River basin, Nevada.  Western North American Naturalist.  72(1):21-31.  Available from A12HER02IDUS
Hoisington-Lopez JL, Waits LP, Sullivan J.  2012.  Species limits and integrated taxonomy of the Idaho ground squirrel (Urocitellus brunneus): genetic and ecological differentiation.  Journal of Mammalogy.  93(2):589–604.  Available from A12HOI01IDUS
Inman RM, Packila ML, Inman KH.  2012.  Spatial ecology of wolverines at the southern periphery of distribution.  The Journal of Wildlife Management.  76(4):p.778-792. A12INM01IDUS
Irwin JJ, Stubbs R, Hartman RL.  2012.  Polemonium elusum (Polemoniaceae), a New Species from East Central Idaho, U.S.A..  Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas.  6:331-338. A12IRW01IDUS
Isaak DJ, Muhlfeld CC, Todd AS, Al-Chokhachy R, Roberts J, Kershner JL, Fausch KD, Hostetler SW.  2012.  The past as prelude to the future for understanding 21st-century climate effects on Rocky Mountain trout.  Fisheries.  37(12):542-556.  Available from A12ISA01IDUS
Johnston KM, Freund KA, Schmitz OJ.  2012.  Projected range shifting by montane mammals under climate change: implications for Cascadia’s national parks.  Ecosphere.  3(11):article97. A12JOH01IDUS
Keane RE, Tomback D.F, Aubry C.A, Bower A.D, Campbell E.M, Cripps C.L, Jenkins M.B, Mahalovich M.F, Manning M., McKinney S.T et al..  2012.  A range-wide restoration strategy for whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis).  General Technical Report.   A12KEA01IDUS
C. Knisley B, M. Woodcock R, Kippenhan MG.  2012.  A morphological and mtDNA analysis of the Badlands tiger beetle, Cicindela (s. str.) decemnotata Say, 1817 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelinae) with the description of three new subspecies.  Insecta Mundi.  0214:1-49.  Available from A12KNI01IDUS
Kozlowski AJ, Gese EM, Arjo WM.  2012.  Effects of intraguild predation: evaluating resource competition between two canid species with apparent niche separation.  International Journal of Ecology.  2012:article629246.  Available from A12KOZ01IDUS
Lacki MJ, Baker MD, Johnson JS.  2012.  Temporal dynamics of roost snags of long-legged myotis in the Pacific Northwest, USA.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  76(6):1310-1316.  Available from A12LAC01IDUS
Lawes TJ, Anthony RG, W. Robinson D, Forbes JT, Lorton GA.  2012.  Homing behavior and survival of pygmy rabbits after experimental translocation.  Western North American Naturalist.  72(4):569–581.  Available from A12LAW01IDUS
Lesica P.  2012.  New combinations for the Montana flora.  Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas.  6:25-27. A12LES01IDUS
Liu H-P, Hershler R.  2012.  Phylogeography of an endangered western North American springsnail.  Conservation Genetics.  13(1):299-305.  Available from A12LIU01IDUS
Looney C, Eigenbrode SD.  2012.  Characteristics and distribution of Palouse Prairie remnants: implications for conservation planning.  Natural Areas Journal.  32(1):75-85.  Available from A12LOO01IDUS
McCormick MK, D. Taylor L, Juhaszova K, Burnett, Jr. RK, Whigham DF, O'Neill JP.  2012.  Limitations on orchid recruitment: not a simple picture.  Molecular Ecology.  21(6):1511–1523. A12MCC01IDUS