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Lötters S, Kielgast J, Bielby J, Schmidtlein S, Bosch J, Veith M, Walker SF, Fisher MC, Rödder D.  2009.  The link between rapid enigmatic amphibian decline and the globally emerging chytrid fungus.  EcoHealth.  6(3):358–372. A09LOT01IDUS
Lysne SJ, Clark WH.  2009.  Mollusc survey of the lower Bruneau River, Owyhee County, Idaho, U.S.A..  American Malacological Bulletin.  27(1-2):167-172. A09LYS01IDUS
Mann RM, Hyne RV, Choung CB, Wilson SP.  2009.  Amphibians and agricultural chemicals: review of the risks in a complex environment.  Environmental Pollution.  157(11):2903-2927.  Available from A09MAN01IDUS
Mawdsley JR, O'Malley R, Ojima DS.  2009.  A review of climate-change adaptation strategies for wildlife management and biodiversity conservation.  Conservation Biology.  23(5):1080–1089.  Available from A09MAW01IDUS
Morris C, Monaco TA, Rigby CW.  2009.  Variable impacts of imazapic rate on downy brome (Bromus tectorum) and seeded species in two rangeland communities.  Invasive Plant Science and Management.  2(2):110-119.  Available from A09MOR01IDUS
Nekola JC, Coles BF, Bergthorsson U.  2009.  Evolutionary pattern and process within the Vertigo gouldii (Mollusca: Pulmonata, Pupillidae) group of minute North American land snails.  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.  53(3):1010–1024.  Available from A09NEK01IDUS
Pocewicz A, Morgan P, Eigenbrode SD.  2009.  Local and landscape effects on butterfly density in northern Idaho grasslands and forests.  Journal of Insect Conservation.  13(6):593–601.  Available from A09POC01IDUS
Prevey JS, Germino M.J, Huntly N.J, Inouye R.S.  2009.  Exotic Plants Increase and Native Plants Decrease with Loss of Foundation Species in Sagebrush Steppe.  Plant Ecology.  207(1):39-51. A09PRE01IDUS
Pruett CL, Patten MA, Wolfe DH.  2009.  It's not easy being green: wind energy and a declining grassland bird.  BioScience.  59(3):257-262.  Available from A09PRU01IDUS
Rehfeldt GE, Ferguson DE, Crookston NL.  2009.  Aspen, climate, and sudden decline in western USA.  Forest Ecology and Management.  258(11):2353–2364.  Available from A09REH01IDUS
Reichard JD, Kunz TH.  2009.  White-nose syndrome inflicts lasting injuries to the wings of little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus).  Acta Chiropterologica.  11(2):457-446. A09REI01IDUS
Sanchez DM, Rachlow JL, Robinson AP, Johnson TR.  2009.  Survey indicators for pygmy rabbits: temporal trends of burrow systems and pellets.  Western North American Naturalist.  69(4):426–436. A09SAN01IDUS
de León YSánchez-, Johnson-Maynard J.  2009.  Dominance of an invasive earthworm in native and non-native grassland ecosystems.  Biological Invasions.  11(6):1393-1401.  Available from A09SAN02IDUS
B. Schmidt C.  2009.  Taxonomic revision of the genus Grammia Rambur (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Arctiinae).  Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.  156(3):507–597.  Available from A09SCH01IDUS
Schwartz MK, Copeland JP, Anderson NJ, Squires JR, Inman RM, McKelvey KS, Pilgrim KL, Waits LP, Cushman SA.  2009.  Wolverine gene flow across a narrow climatic niche.  Ecology.  90(11):3222–3232.  Available from A09SCH02IDUS
Smith JF, Stillman AJ, Larson SR, C. Culumber M, Robertson IC, Novak SJ.  2009.  Phylogenetic relationships among Lepidium papilliferum (L. Henderson) A. Nels. & J. F. Macbr., L. montanum Nutt., and L. davisii Rollins (Brassicaceae).  Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society.  136(2):149-163. A09SMI01IDUS
Spribille T., Bjork C.R, T. Ekman TS., Elix J.A, Goward T., Printzen C., Tonsberg T., Wheeler T..  2009.  Contributions to an epiphytic lichen flora of northwest North America: I. Eight new species from British Columbia inland rain forests.  Bryologist.  112(1):109-137. A09SPR01IDUS
Stone ELouise, Jones G, Harris S.  2009.  Street lighting disturbs commuting bats.  Current Biology.  19(13):1123-1127.  Available from A09STO01IDUS
van Mantgem PJ, Stephenson NL, Byrne JC, Daniels LD, Franklin JF, Fulé PZ, Harmon ME, Larson AJ, Smith JM, Taylor AH et al..  2009.  Widespread increase of tree mortality rates in the western United States.  Science.  323(5913):521-524.  Available from A09VAN01IDUS
Wedin M, Hognabba F, Goward T.  2009.  A new species of Sphaerophorus, and a key to the family Sphaerophoraceae in western North America.  Bryologist.  112:368-374. A09WED01IDUS
White J.P, Robertson I.C.  2009.  Intense Seed Predation by Harvester Ants on a Rare Mustard. Ecoscience 16(4):508-513.  Ecoscience.  16(4):508-513. A09WHI01IDUS
Whittemore AT.  2009.  What is Ranunculus gelidus (Ranunculaceae)? Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas .  3(1):6pp.. A09WHI02IDUS
Williams PH, Osborne JL.  2009.  Bumblebee vulnerability and conservation world-wide.  Apidologie.  40(3 Spec Issue):367–387.  Available from A09WIL01IDUS
Adams MJ, Chelgren ND, Reinitz D, Cole RA, Rachowicz LJ, Galvan S, McCreary B, Pearl CA, Bailey LL, Bettaso J et al..  2010.  Using occupancy models to understand the distribution of an amphibian pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis.  Ecological Applications.  20(1):289–302. A10ADA01IDUS
Anderson M.G, Ferree C.E.  2010.  Conserving the stage: climate change and the geophysical underpinnings of species diversity.  Plos ONE.  5(7):e11554. A10AND01IDUS