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Fuhrmann K.  2005.  Population dynamics of Mexican free-tailed bats at Lava Beds.  Park Science.  23(2):52-53.  Available from A05FUH02IDUS
W. Funk C, Blouin MS, Corn PStephen, Maxell BA, Pilliod DS, Amish S, Allendorf FW.  2005.  Population structure of Columbia spotted frogs (Rana luteiventris) is strongly affected by the landscape.  Molecular Ecology.  14(2):483–496.  Available from A05FUN01IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2005.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; determination of endangered status for the Salt Creek tiger beetle (Cicindela nevadica lincolniana).  Federal Register.  70(193):58335-58351.  Available from A05FWS01IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2005.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; review of native species that are candidates or proposed for listing as endangered or threatened; annual notice of findings on resubmitted petitions; annual description of progress on listing actions.  Federal Register.  70(90):24870-24934.  Available from A05FWS02IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2005.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; 12-month finding for petitions to list the greater sage-grouse as threatened or endangered.  Federal Register.  70(8):2244-2282.  Available from A05FWS03IDUS
Goode MJ, Horrace WC, Sredl MJ, Howland JM.  2005.  Habitat destruction by collectors associated with decreased abundance of rock-dwelling lizards.  Biological Conservation.  125(1):47-54.  Available from A05GOO01IDUS
Graf RF, Bollmann K, Suter W, Bugmann H.  2005.  The importance of spatial scale in habitat models: capercaillie in the Swiss Alps.  Landscape Ecology.  20(6):703–717.  Available from A05GRA01IDUS
Grinnell J.  1905.  Summer birds of Mount Pinos, California.  Auk.  22(4):378-391.  Available from A05GRI01IDUS
Hampton N.  2005.  Insects of the Idaho National Laboratory: a compilation and review. Sagegrouse Habitat Restoration Symposium proceedings; 2001June 4-7.  RMRS-P-38.  Shaw NL, Pellant M, Monsen SB, editors. Boise (ID): U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.   p. 116-130.  Available from A05HAM01IDUS
Hamlet AF, Mote PW, Clark MP, Lettenmaier DP.  2005.  Effects of temperature and precipitation variability on snowpack trends in the western United States.  Journal of Climate.  18(21):4545-4561.  Available from A05HAM02IDUS
Heady LT, Laundré JW.  2005.  Habitat use patterns within the home range of pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) in southeastern Idaho.  Western North American Naturalist.  65(4):490-500.  Available from A05HEA01IDUS
[Anonymous].  2005.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.   A05IAS01IDUS
Jurgensen MF, Storer AJ, Risch AC.  2005.  Red wood ants in North America.  Annales Zoologici Fennici.  42(3):235-242.  Available from A05JUR01IDUS
Keyes CR.  1905.  Some bird notes from the central Sierras.  Condor.  7(1):13-17.  Available from A05KEY01IDUS
J. Lambert D, McFarland KP, Rimmer CC, Faccio SD, Atwood JL.  2005.  A practical model of Bicknell's thrush distribution in the northeastern United States.  Wilson Bulletin.  117(1):1-11. A05LAM01IDUS
MacKenzie DI.  2005.  What are the issues with presence-absence data for wildlife managers? Journal of Wildlife Management.  69(3):849-860.  Available from A05MAC01IDUS
MacKenzie DI, J. Royle A.  2005.  Designing occupancy studies: general advice and allocating survey effort.  Journal of Applied Ecology.  42(6):1105-1114. A05MAC02IDUS
MacKenzie DI.  2005.  Was it there? Dealing with imperfect detection for species presence/absence data Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics.  47(1):65–74. A05MAC03IDUS
Maeda-Martínez AM, D. Rogers C, Worthington RD.  2005.  First records of the fairy shrimp Streptocephalus moorei (Branchiopoda: Anastraca) from the United States.  Journal of Crustacean Biology.  25(4):547–550.  Available from A05MAE01IDUS
van Manen FT, Young JA, Thatcher CA, Cass WB, Ulrey C.  2005.  Habitat models to assist plant protection efforts in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, USA.  Natural Areas Journal.  25(4):339-350.  Available from A05MAN01IDUS
Marek PE, Kavanaugh DH.  2005.  The evolutionary relationships of North American Diplous Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Patrobini) inferred from morphological and molecular evidence.  Invertebrate Systematics.  19(2):145-168.  Available from A05MAR01IDUS
McCracken JD.  2005.  Where the bobolinks roam: the plight of North America's grassland birds.  Biodiversity.  6(3):20-29.  Available from A05MCC01IDUS
Merigliano MF.  2005.  Cottonwood understory zonation and its relation to floodplain stratigraphy.  WETLANDS.  25(2) A05MER01IDUS
Meyer S.E, Quinney D.L, Weaver J..  2011.  A life history study of the Snake River Plains endemic Lepidium papilliferum (Brassicaceae).  Western North American Naturalist.  65(1):11-23. A05MEY01IDUS
Mote PW, Hamlet AF, Clark MP, Lettenmaier DP.  2005.  Declining mountain snowpack in western North America.  Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS).  86(1):39-49.  Available from A05MOT01IDUS