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Mancuso M., Moseley R.K.  1998.  An ecological integrity index to assess and monitor Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass) habitat in southwestern Idaho.   U98MAN01IDUS
Mancuso M..  1998.  New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY) search.   U98MAN02IDUS
Mancuso M., Murphy C., Moseley R..  1998.  Assessing and monitoring habitat integrity for Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass) in the sagebrush-steppe of southwestern Idaho.   U98MAN04IDUS
Mancuso M.  1998.  Idaho's globally rare plants.  Sage Notes.  20(4):3-5. U98MAN05IDUS
Mancuso M..  1998.  Letter dated 1998 September 29 to Edna Rey-Vizgirdas, Botanist, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Boise, Idaho, regarding Lepidium papilliferum.   U98MAN06IDUS
Maroney R.Q.  1998.  A vegetation survey of the Blackfoot River Wildlife Management Area, Abstract.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  34(1):7. U98MAR02IDUS
Martin S.K, Martin L..  1998.  Application of lichen community diversity analysis in forest health monitoring in Estonian forest monitoring program. U98MAR03IDUS
Martin C, Ogden C, Mayfield G, Spangle S, Zablan M, Bruce C, MacVean S, Reynolds R, Woodbridge B.  1998.  Northern goshawk status review.   U98MAR04IDUS
[Anonymous].  1998.  Rivers of life: critical watersheds for protecting freshwater biodiversity.   U98MAS01IDUS
McCune B., Rosentreter R..  1998.  Macrolichens from Priest River Experimental Forest, Idaho.  Evansia.  15(1):37-42. U98MCC01IDUS
McClain P.B.  1998.  An illustrated guide to the special status plants of the Shoshone Resource Area (Upper Snake River District).   U98MCC02IDUS
McCarthy J..  1998.  Ute ladies' tresses shows up again in Gallatin County and puts and airport expansion project on hold.   U98MCC03IDUS
Merigliano M.F, Lesica P..  1998.  The native status of reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) in the Inland Northwest, USA.  Natural Areas Journal.  18(3):223-230. U98MER01IDUS
Moseley R.K, Lichthardt J., Walker S., Gray K..  1998.  Salmon-flower desert-parsley (Lomatium salmoniflorum) in Idaho: 1998 inventory results.   U98MOS09IDUS
Moseley R.K.  1998.  Ute Ladies Tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis) in Idaho: 1998 status report.   U98MOS10IDUS
Moseley B..  1998.  Ute ladies tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis) inventory of the Twin Bridges Park relocation project Madison County, Idaho.   U98MOS13IDUS
Moseley B..  1998.  1998 Ute Ladies Tresses Occurrences in Idaho.   U98MOS14IDUS
Moseley R.K.  1998.  Ute Ladies' Tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis) in Idaho: 1998 Status Report.   U98MOS15IDUS
Moseley B.  1998.  Idaho Phlox: a local endemic.  Sage Notes.  20(4):5-7. U98MOS17IDUS
Munger J.C.  1998.  Herp collecting permit report to Idaho Department of Fish and Game covering the 1997 Owyhee County field season.   U98MUN01IDUS
[Anonymous].  1998.  The NRCS PRISM climate mapping project.   U98NRC01IDUS
[Anonymous].  1998.  PRISM briefing book and questionnaire: a description of the PRISM model for spatially distributing observe precipitation.   U98NRC02IDUS
Oregon Natural Heritage Program.  1998.  Rare, threatened and endangered plants and animals of Oregon.   U98ONH01IDUS
Patten M.A, Myers S.J, McGaugh C., Easton J.R, Erickson R.A.  1998.  Perognathus longimembris (Coues 1875): little pocket mouse.   U98PAT01IDUS
Pope M., Crawford J..  1998.  Annual report: mountain quail research 1997-98.   U98POP01IDUS