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Apperson K.A.  1992.  White sturgeon of the Kootenai: the long river to recovery.  Idaho Wildlife.  12(1):4-6. U92APP01IDUS
Apperson K..  1992.  More than a "pretty" face: a sturgeon primer. Idaho Wildlife.  Idaho Wildlife.  12(1):6. U92APP02IDUS
Apperson K..  1992.  The Kootenai River experimental sturgeon hatchery - department and tribe work together.  Idaho Wildlife.  12(1):7. U92APP03IDUS
Beecham J.J, Zager P..  2000.  Black bear management plan: 1992-2000.   U92BEE01IDUS
Belding L..  1892.  Food of the grouse and mountain quail of central California.  Zoe.  3:232-234. U92BEL01IDUS
Bendire C..  1892.  Mountain quail.   U92BEN01IDUS
Bernatas S., Lorain C., Wellner C., McCune B..  1992.  Species list for Grave Peak Research Natural Area.   U92BER01IDUS
Blair G.S.  1992.  Memo to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, dated 14 May, regarding monitoring of the Shingle Creek peregrine falcon eyrie.   U92BLA01IDUS
Blake S.F, Ebrahimi C..  1992.  Species conservation strategy and monitor plan for Blechnum spicant (deerfern) for Northern Idaho, Idaho Panhandle National Forests and Clearwater National Forest.   U92BLA02IDUS
U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management.  1992.  BLM in Idaho - special edition: botany in Idaho.   U92BLM01IDUS
U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management.  1992.  Inventory and monitoring of special status plants - pilot course.   U92BLM02IDUS
Willoughby J, Hastey E, Berg K, Dittberner P, Fellows R, Holmes R, Knight J, Radtkey B, Rosentreter R.  1992.  Rare plants and natural plant communities: a strategy for the future.   U92BLM03IDUS
USDI Bureau of Land Management, USDA-ARS.  1992.  Interim report FY-1992: general requirements of Thelypodium repandum, a federal C2 species in east-central Idaho.   U92BLM04IDUS
Bureau of Land Management.  1992.  Proposed Cascade resource management plan amendment and environmental assessment to consider area of critical environmental concern designation and federal land transfer.   U92BLM05IDUS
Bureau of Land Management.  1992.  Memorandum summarizing the Boise District RNA/ACEC tour which took place September 21-24, 1992.   U92BLM06IDUS
Bureau of Land Management.  1992.  Proposed Bruneau management framework plant amendment to designate areas of critical environmental concern.   U92BLM07IDUS
Bodie W., Taylor E., McCoy M..  1992.  California bighorn ecology. Distribution, inventory, and habitat selection.   U92BOD01IDUS
Bond C.E.  1992.  Notes on the nomenclature and distribution of the bull trout and the effects of human society on the species. U92BON01IDUS
Bureau of Reclamation.  1992.  Idaho river systems management study: wetlands report.   U92BOR01IDUS
Bowler P.A.  1992.  Letter of August 31 to Dr. Marvin Plenert, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, regarding rationale for the Service's reclassification of the Shoshone sculpin.   U92BOW01IDUS
Bowler pA, Frest T.J.  1992.  Snake River mollusks: living fossils.  Idaho Wildlife.  12(1):2,29. U92BOW02IDUS
Bradley J.B, Whiting pJ.  1992.  A process-based stream classification system for small streams in Washingtion.   U92BRA01IDUS
Brelsford M..  1992.  Boreal owl (Aegolius funereus) and flammulated owl (Otus flammeolus) survey results for the Livingston District of the Gallatin National Forest.   U92BRE01IDUS
Breault A.M, Savard J.L.  1992.  Winter habitat use and distribution of harlequin ducks in British Columbia. U92BRE02IDUS
Brody AJ.  1992.  The sociality of Piñon Jays with and without Piñon Pine.  Master of Science in Biology:179. U92BRO01IDUS