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Ford C..  1990.  Rare plant species observation report forms for rare plant populations on the Boise District BLM.   U91FOR01IDUS
Fox L., Moseley R.K.  1991.  Taxonomic investigation of the genus Draba (Brassicaceae) in the White Cloud Peaks and Boulder Mountains, Idaho.   U91FOX01IDUS
Frest T..  1991.  Letter to Craig Groves, Idaho Natural Heritage Program, in which Frest provides data on land snail populations for Slate Creek and John Day Creek, tributaries of the Salmon River.   U91FRE01IDUS
Frederick G.p, Moore T.L.  1991.  Distribution and habitat of white-headed woodpeckers (Picoides albolarvatus) in west-central Idaho.   U91FRE02IDUS
Frest T.J.  1991.  Letter to Steve Duke, Boise Field Office, USFWS, regarding the Columbia pebblesnail, Fluminicola columbiana, in the Payette River.   U91FRE03IDUS
Frest T.J.  1991.  Distribution and ecology of the endemic relict mollusc fauna of the Thousand Springs Preserve.   U91FRE04IDUS
Frest T.J, Johannes E.J.  1991.  Mollusc fauna in the vicinity of three proposed hydroelectric projects on the middle Snake River, central Idaho. Final report.   U91FRE05IDUS
Frest T.J.  1991.  Proposal for land snail survey of lower Salmon River and Hells Canyon areas, Idaho, for possible Threatened, Endangered, and Candidate land snails. Proposal and letter to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.   U91FRE06IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1991.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants.   U91FWS01IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1989.  National wetlands priority conservation plan, 6/91 edition.   U91FWS02IDUS
Gamon J..  1991.  Report on the status of Haplopappus liatriformis (Greene) St. John.   U91GAM01IDUS
Gamon J..  1991.  Report on the status in Washington of Silene spaldingii Wats.   U91GAM02IDUS
U. S. General Accounting Office.  1991.  Public land management: attention to wildlife is limited.   U91GAO01IDUS
Garber C.S.  1991.  A survey for Townsend's big-eared bat (Plecotus townsendii) and the spotted bat (Euderma maculata) on Bridger-Teton and Targhee National Forests in Wyoming.   U91GAR01IDUS
Glennon J.M.  1991.  Flora of the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, Idaho.  :91pp.. U91GLE01IDUS
R. Goudie I.  1991.  The status of the harlequin duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) in eastern North America.   U91GOU01IDUS
Gray K..  1991.  Special plant survey forms for rare plant species found on the Clearwater NF, Lochsa RD during the 1991 field season.   U91GRA01IDUS
Groves C.R, Melquist W..  1995.  Nongame and endangered wildlife: species management plan 1991-1995.   U91GRO01IDUS
Groves C.R.  1991.  American white pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) fact sheet.   U91GRO02IDUS
Grubbs J..  1991.  Letter to Craig Groves, Idaho Natural Heritage Program, regarding the northern bog lemming.   U91GRU01IDUS
Guerrant, Jr. E.O.  1991.  Ex-situ conservation collection of Pacific dogwood (Cornus nuttallii) from Idaho, at the Berry Botanic Garden.   U91GUE01IDUS
Haggas L..  1991.  Special plant survey forms for field work done on the Challis NF, Lost River RD, during the 1991 field season.   U91HAG01IDUS
Hargis C.D, Perloff R.D, McCarthy C..  1991.  Home ranges and habitats of northern goshawks in eastern California.   U91HAR01IDUS
Hayward G..  1991.  Memo to Craig Groves regarding flammulated and great gray owl sightings.   U91HAY01IDUS
Heekin P.E.  1991.  Movements, habitat use, and population characteristics of mountain quail in west-central Idaho.   U91HEE01IDUS