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Barrett S.CH, Kohn J.R.  1991.  Genetic and evolutionary consequences of small population size in plants: implications for conservation. U91BAR02IDUS
Barnard J.  1991.  Old growth forests may yield anti-cancer drug.  Idaho Statesman.   U91BAR03IDUS
Bass R..  1991.  The wolves' story.  Outside.  16(10):58-63. U91BAS01IDUS
Bernatas S..  1991.  Final report for the rare plant and significant natural plant community inventory of the Saylor Creek Air Force Range.   U91BER01IDUS
Bernatas S., Moseley R.K.  1991.  Long-term population monitoring of Davis' peppergrass (Lepidiuim davisii) on the Mountain Home Air Force Base: establishment of monitoring plots and first-year results.    Available from U91BER02IDUS
Bernatas S..  1991.  Letter to LaSalle regarding the certification of Circle End Boundary description.   U91BER03IDUS
Bernatus S., Flanagan K., Grimm G.O.  1991.  Idaho natural areas. Multi-image slide tape show.   U91BER04IDUS
Bernatas S., Lorain C., Wellner C..  1991.  Species list for Grave Peak Research Natural Area.   U91BER05IDUS
Bissonette J.A, Larsen B.C.  1991.  Annotated bibliography for the spotted frog, Rana pretiosa.   U91BIS01IDUS
Blake J..  1991.  Rare plant species observation report forms for rare plant species found on the Idaho Panhandle National Forests during the 1991 field season.   U91BLA01IDUS
U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management.  1991.  Conservation Agreement for Calochortus nitidus (Broad-fruit mariposa lily).   U91BLM01IDUS
USDI Bureau of Land Management.  1991.  Notice of Realty Action, Classification of public lands for state indemnity selection.   U91BLM02IDUS
[Anonymous].  1991.  Idaho wilderness study report, Volume 1.   U91BLM03IDUS
[Anonymous].  1991.  Idaho wilderness study report, Volume 2.   U91BLM04IDUS
[Anonymous].  1991.  Idaho wilderness study report, Volume 3.   U91BLM05IDUS
[Anonymous].  1991.  Idaho wilderness study report, Volume 4.   U91BLM06IDUS
Boise National Forest.  1991.  Elk Creek Exclosure Research Natural Area.   U91BNF01IDUS
Bodie W., Taylor E., McCoy M..  1991.  California bighorn sheep ecology. Distribution and Inventory.   U91BOD01IDUS
Bodie W., Taylor E., McCoy M..  1991.  California bighorn sheep ecology. Distribution, inventory, habitat selection, and bighorn sheep/cattle interactions.   U91BOD02IDUS
Bouchart MLeigh.  1991.  Great gray owl habitat use in southeastern Manitoba and the effects of forest resource management [master's thesis].  Natural Resources Management.  :92.  Available from U91BOU01IDUS
Breault AM, Savard J-P.  1991.  Status report on the distribution and ecology of harlequin ducks in British Columbia.  Technical Report Series No. 110.    Available from U91BRE01IDUS
Britton E.G.  1891.  Contributions to American bryology - II, a supplementary enumeration of the mosses collected by Mr. John B. Leiberg in Idaho, with descriptions of two new species.  Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club.  18:49-56. U91BRI01IDUS
Brooks P.J, Urban K., Yates E., Johnson, Jr. C.G.  1991.  Sensitive plants of the Malheur, Ochoco, Umatilla, and the Wallowa-Whitman National Forests.   U91BRO01IDUS
Bursik R..  1991.  Field survey for Region One Forest Service sensitive plant species in the Hammond Analysis Area.   U91BUR01IDUS
Bursik R..  1991.  Field survey for Region One Forest Service sensitive plant species in the Take It From Beaver Environmental Assessment Area.   U91BUR02IDUS