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[Anonymous].  1990.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; findings on pending petitions and description of progress on listing actions. Notice of petition findings.   U90FWS03IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1990.  Grizzly bear recovery plan.   U90FWS05IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1990.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants.   U90FWS06IDUS
Genter D..  1990.  The Coeur d'Alene salamander: Montana's cliff-hanger.  Montana Outdoors.  21(5):15-17. U90GEN01IDUS
Genter D..  1990.  Memo to Gordon Larson, Montana Department of Highways, and Bob Summerfield, U.S. Forest Service, regarding an update on Coeur d'Alene salamander projects on Highway 2 in Montana.   U90GEN02IDUS
Groves C.R, Zehntner. E..  1990.  Distribution and status of great gray owls (Strix nebulosa) on the Targhee National Forest, 1989.   U90GRO01IDUS
Grows W..  1990.  Letter to Jeri Williams (USFWS) regarding locations of bald eagle nests in the Island Park RD, Targhee NF.   U90GRO02IDUS
Groves C.R.  1990.  Handwritten notes on great gray owl occurrences.   U90GRO03IDUS
Groves C..  1990.  Status of the wolverine on the Sawtooth National Forest.   U90GRO04IDUS
Haufler C.H, Windham M.D, Lang F.A, Whitmore S.A.  1990.  Polypodiaceae, Polypodium.   U90HAU01IDUS
Hayward G..  1990.  Memo to Craig Groves regarding 2 locations for great gray owl occurrences in the Chamberlain Basin.   U90HAY01IDUS
Heinemeyer K..  1990.  Letter to interested parties regarding Cabinet Mountain fisher reintroduction effort.   U90HEI01IDUS
Hemker T..  1990.  Statewide surveys and inventories: upland game surveys and inventory.   U90HEM01IDUS
Heron W..  1990.  Notes from field trip 6/24/90 made by the Five-Valley Audubon Society to find Mertensia bella.   U90HER01IDUS
Herbert J..  1990.  Letter of May 8 to Rocky Mountain Population Trumpeter Swan Subcommittee and Working Group regarding minutes from the May 8, 1990, meeting in Boise. U90HER02IDUS
Hurt P..  1990.  Bald eagle nest report for the new Deadwater nest on the Salmon River, North Fork RD, Salmon NF.   U90HUR01IDUS
[Anonymous].  1990.  Trumpeter swans moved in east Idaho.   U90IFG01IDUS
[Anonymous].  1995.  Fisheries Management Plan 1991-1995.   U90IFG02IDUS
[Anonymous].  1990.  Results of the sixth annual Idaho Rare Plant Conference. Unpublished list from conference sponsored by the Idaho Native Plant Society, Boise, ID.   U90INP01IDUS
Islam K..  1990.  Mountain quail taxonomy.   U90ISL01IDUS
Johnson N.K, Zwank P.J.  1990.  Flammulated owl biology on the Sacramento Unit of the Lincoln National Forest.   U90JOH01IDUS
Johnson C.A.  1990.  Mountain quail habitat use and management in north-central Idaho.   U90JOH03IDUS
Jones J.L.  1990.  Letter to Charles H. Lobdell, USFWS, Boise Field Office, regarding Lobdell's request concerning the likelihood that the Pacific population of fishers could or would interbreed with the Idaho population.   U90JON02IDUS
Kagan J..  1990.  Species management guide for Cypripedium fasciculatum for southwestern Oregon: Klamath National Forest (in Oregon), Rogue River National Forest, Siskiyou National Forest, Umpqua National Forest, and Medford District of the Bureau of Land Management.   U90KAG01IDUS
Kaltenecker G., Bechard M.J.  1990.  Fairview Creek Bald Eagle Territory management plan, South Fork Boise River, Idaho.   U90KAL01IDUS