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Bolster D.C.  1990.  Habitat use by the upland sandpiper in northeastern Colorado.  :104pp. U90BOL01IDUS
Bourassa A.S.  1990.  Decision notice not to construct the Dworshak Access Road and finding of no significant impact, Dworshak Access Proposal.   U90BOU01IDUS
Bourassa A.S.  1990.  Letter dated June 28 to the Forest Supervisor, Clearwater National Forest, containing the decision documentation relating to Bourassa's April 6 decision on the Dworshak Access Proposal.   U90BOU02IDUS
Brady G..  1990.  Letter of 1 January to Idaho Natural Heritage Program regarding harlequin duck sightings.   U90BRA01IDUS
Bradley AF.  1990.  Glacier Park rare plants in Fire Effects.   U90BRA02IDUS
Brown L..  1990.  Raptor nest record and survey form for the Moyie bald eagle nest on the Kootenai River.   U90BRO01IDUS
Brown C.R.  1990.  Avian use of native and exotic riparian habitats on the Snake River, Idaho.  Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO..   U90BRO02IDUS
Broich S.L.  1990.  Re-examination of Lupinus cusickii.   U90BRO03IDUS
Brody JE.  1990.  Gardens of plant tissue in labs seen as factories for vital drugs.  New York Times.    Available from U90BRO04IDUS
Bull E.L, Holthausen R.S, Henjum M.G.  1990.  Techniques for monitoring pileated woodpeckers.   U90BUL01IDUS
Bull E.L, Henjum M.G.  1990.  Ecology of the great gray owl.   U90BUL02IDUS
Bursik R..  1990.  Floristic and phytogeographic analysis of northwestern Rocky Mountain peatlands, U.S.A..  :37pp.. U90BUR01IDUS
Bursik R..  1990.  Species lists for thesis.   U90BUR02IDUS
Butcher G.S, Lowe J.D.  1963.  Final report to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service: population trends of twenty species of migratory birds as revealed by Christmas bird counts, 1963-1987.   U90BUT01IDUS
Carlson J.C.  1990.  Results of harlequin duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) surveys in 1990 on the Flathead National Forest, Montana.   U90CAR01IDUS
Cassirer E.F, Groves C.R.  1990.  Distribution, habitat use and status of harlequin ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus) in northern Idaho, 1990.   U90CAS01IDUS
Cassirer E.F, Groves C.R.  1990.  A summary of harlequin duck sightings in Idaho, 1989.   U90CAS02IDUS
California Department of Fish and Game.  1990.  Recovery plan: bank swallow (Riparia riparia).   U90CFG01IDUS
Christensen J..  1990.  Letter to Craig Groves, dated 17 July, containing locations of ferruginous hawk and Swainson's hawk nests on the Deep Creek Resource Area, Burley District BLM.   U90CHR01IDUS
Christensen J..  1990.  Letters to Julie Hilty giving locations of rare species on the Burley District BLM, Deep Creek RA, found during the 1990 field season by Jim Klott, RA biologist.   U90CHR02IDUS
Compton B.B, Zager P., Wielgus R.B.  1990.  Selkirk Mountains grizzly bear ecology project: April 1990 - March 1990.   U90COM01IDUS
Compton B.B, Zager P., Allen-Johnson L..  1990.  Selkirk mountains caribou transplant: October 1989 - September 1990: Annual Report.   U90COM02IDUS
Craig T., Craig E..  1990.  A survey to determine the status of nesting merlins (Falco columbarius) in a portion of southern Idaho.   U90CRA01IDUS
Cronquist A..  1990.  Letter to Michael Mancuso identifying Erigeron specimens sent to the New York Botanical Garden.   U90CRO01IDUS
Dahl TE.  1990.  Wetlands losses in the United States 1780's to 1980's.    Available from U90DAH01IDUS