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Yeo J.J.  1989.  Wolf summer habitat survey: Selway and Moose Creek Ranger Districts, summer 1989.   U89YEO01IDUS
ACZ I..  1990.  Beartrack Project vegetation technical report, Draft.   U90ACZ01IDUS
Allen, III. G.A.  1990.  The cover: mountain quail.  Game Bird Breeders, Aviculturists, Zoologists and Conservationists' Gazette.  September:1,41,42. U90ALL01IDUS
Anonymous.  1990.  Status report on Spiranthes diluvialis.   U90ANO01IDUS
Apperson K.A, Anders P.J.  1990.  Kootenai River white sturgeon investigations and experimental culture.   U90APP01IDUS
Armbruster M.J.  1990.  Characterization of habitat used by whooping cranes during migration.   U90ARM01IDUS
Arno S.F, Weaver T..  1990.  Whitebark pine community types and their patterns on the landscape. INT-270.   U90ARN01IDUS
Atkinson E.C, Atkinson M.L.  1990.  Distribution and status of Harlequin ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus) on the Targhee National Forest.   U90ATK01IDUS
Atkinson EC, Atkinson ML.  1990.  Distribution and status of flammulated owls (Otus flammeolus) on the Salmon National Forest.   U90ATK02IDUS
Avery C..  1990.  Rare plant species observation report forms for Eburophyton austiniae populations on the St. Joe NF, St. Maries RD.   U90AVE01IDUS
Bachman D., Gadwa G., Groves C..  1990.  A winter survey for wolverines (Gulo gulo) on the Sawtooth and Challis National Forests, Idaho.   U90BAC01IDUS
Baker C..  1990.  Dunes tiger beetle.   U90BAK01IDUS
Bartolome J.W, Erman D.C, Schwarz C.F.  1990.  Stability and change in minerotrophic peatlands, Sierra Nevada of California and Nevada.   U90BAR01IDUS
Beckwitt E..  1990.  Proposal to list the fisher as endangered in California, Oregon, and Washington.   U90BEC01IDUS
Beck A.L.  1990.  Raptor rehabilitation: banding data and Idaho manual.  :165pp. U90BEC02IDUS
Bertagnolli C.L, Partridge A.D.  1990.  Mortality of Pacific dogwood, a coastal disjunt population in northern Idaho.   U90BER01IDUS
Bernatas S..  1990.  Letter dated 4 September to Kermit Kiebert, Director, Idaho Department of Transportation, regarding the Soda Springs Natural Scenic Area.   U90BER02IDUS
Billings W.D.  1990.  Bromus tectorum, a biotic cause of ecosystem impoverishment in the Great Basin. Chapter 15.   U90BIL01IDUS
Blake J..  1990.  Rare plant species observation report forms for field work done on the Panhandle National Forests during the 1990 field season.   U90BLA01IDUS
Bureau of Land Management.  2000.  Idaho fish and wildlife 2000 - a plan for the future.   U90BLM01IDUS
Bureau of Land Management.  1990.  Conservation Agreement for Allium aaseae, Aase's onion.   U90BLM02IDUS
Bureau of Land Management.  1990.  Conservation Agreement for Thelypodium repandum, wavy leaf thelypody.   U90BLM03IDUS
Bureau of Land Management, Boise District Office.  1990.  Memorandum to Bruneau Area Manager.   U90BLM04IDUS
Bureau of Land Management, Shoshone District.  1990.  Plan amendment and environmental assessment for the Monument Resource Management Plan and the Sun Valley Management Framework Plan to designate two areas as Research Natural Areas and/or Areas of Critical Environmental Concern and to change the classifica.   U90BLM05IDUS
Bodie W., Taylor E., McCoy M..  1990.  California bighorn sheep ecology. Distribution, inventory, habitat selection, and bighorn sheep/cattle interactions.   U90BOD01IDUS