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Price AJ, Rachlow JL.  2011.  Development of an index of abundance for pygmy rabbit populations.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  75(4):929–937.  Available from A11PRI01IDUS
Reise H, Hutchinson JMC, Schunack S, Schlitt B.  2011.  Deroceras panormitanum and congeners from Malta and Sicily, with a redescription of the widespread pest slug as Deroceras invadens n. sp..  Folia Malacologica.  19(4):201–223.  Available from A11REI01IDUS
Rivers MC, Taylor L, Brummitt NA, Meagher TR, Roberts DL, Lughadha EN.  2011.  How many herbarium specimens are needed to detect threatened species? Biological Conservation.  144:2541-2547. A11RIV01IDUS
Rosenberger AE, Dunham JB, Buffington JM, Wipfli MS.  2011.  Persistent effects of wildfire and debris flows on the invertebrate prey base of rainbow trout in Idaho streams.  Northwest Science.  85(1):55-63.  Available from A11ROS01IDUS
Schorr RA, Lambert BA, Freels E.  2011.  Habitat use and home range of long-nosed leopard lizards (Gambelia wislizenii) in Canyons of the Ancients National Monument, Colorado.  Herpetological Conservation and Biology.  6(2):312-323.  Available from, A11SCH01IDUS
Schwartz MD.  2011.  Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the North American genus Slaterocoris Wagner with new synonymy, the description of five new species and a new genus from Mexico, and a review of the genus Scalponotatus Kelton (Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae).  Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History.  354:290.  Available from A11SCH02IDUS
Sohrabi M, Stenroos S, Hognabba F, Nordin A, Owe-Larsson B.  2011.  Aspicilia rogeri sp. nov. (Megasporaceae) and other allied vagrant species in North America.  Bryologist.  114:178-189. A11SOH01IDUS
Triplehorn CA, Thomas DB.  2011.  Studies in the genus Eleodes Eschscholtz with a revision of the subgenus Melaneleodes Blaisdell and Omegeleodes, new subgenus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Eleodini).  Transactions of the American Entomological Society.  137(3/4):251-281.  Available from A11TRI01IDUS
White KS, Pendleton GW, Crowley D, Griese HJ, Hundertmark KJ, McDonough T, Nichols L, Robus M, Smith CA, Schoen JW.  2011.  Mountain goat survival in coastal Alaska: effects of age, sex, and climate.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  75(8):1731–1744. A11WHI01IDUS
Wilson TL, Howe FP, Edwards, Jr. TC.  2011.  Effects of sagebrush treatments on multi-scale resource selection by pygmy rabbits.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  72(2):393-398. A11WIL01IDUS
Yellowstone Science.  2011.  Yellowstone's Trumpeter Swans.  Yellowstone Science.  19(3) A11YEL01IDUS
Alsos IGreve, Ehrich D, Thuiller W, Eidesen PBronken, Tribsch A, Schonswetter P, Lagaye C, Taberlet P, Brochmann C.  2012.  Genetic consequences of climate change for northern plants.  Royal Society, Biological Sciences.  279:2042-2051.  Available from A12ALS01IDUS
Andres BA, Smith PA, Morrison R.IGuy, Gratto-Trevor CL, Brown SC, Friis CA.  2012.  Population estimates of North American shorebirds, 2012.  Wader Study Group Bulletin.  119(3):178-194.  Available from, A12AND01IDUS
Barringer F.  2012.  Out West Black Fingers of Death Offer Hope Against an Invader.  New York Times.   A12BAR01IDUS
Bartoli A, Tortosa RD.  2012.  Revision of the North American Species of Grindelia (Asteraceae).  Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden.  98:447–513. A12BAR02IDUS
Barringer LE, Tomback DF, Wunder MB, McKinney ST.  2012.  Whitebark pine stand condition, tree abundance, and cone production as predictors of visitation by Clark's nutcracker.  PLoS ONE.  7(5):e37663.  Available from A12BAR03IDUS
Bateman H.L, Ostoja S.M.  2012.  Invasive woody plants affect the composition of native lizard and small mammal communities in riparian woodlands.  Animal Conservation.  15(3):294-304. A12BAT01IDUS
Bebber D.P, Carine M.A, Davidse G., Harris D.J, Haston E.M, Penn M.G, Cafferty S., Wood J.RI, Scotland R.W.  2012.  Big hitting collectors make massive and disproportionate contribution to the discovery of plant species.  Proceedings of The Royal Society.  doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.2439 A12BEB01IDUS
Beier P, Gregory AJ.  2012.  Desperately seeking stable 50-year-old landscapes with patches and long, wide corridors.  PLoS Biology.  10(1):e1001253.  Available from A12BEI01IDUS
Benbrook CM.  2012.  Impacts of genetically engineered crops on pesticide use in the U.S.---the first sixteen years.  Environmental Sciences Europe.  24  Available from A12BEN01IDUS
Brower LP, Taylor OR, Williams EH, Slayback DA, Zubieta RR, M. Ramirez I.  2012.  Decline of monarch butterflies overwintering in Mexico: is the migratory phenomenon at risk? Insect Conservation and Diversity.  5(2):95-100. A12BRO01IDUS
R. Chesser T, Banks RC, F. Barker K, Cicero C, Dunn JL, Kratter AW, Lovette IJ, Rasmussen PC, Remsen, Jr. J.V, Rising JD et al..  2012.  Fifty-third supplement to the American Ornithologists’ Union Check-list of North American Birds.  Auk.  129(3):573-588.  Available from A12CHE01IDUS
Christensen TKjaer, Lassen P, Elmeros M.  2012.  High exposure rates of anticoagulant rodenticides in predatory bird species in intensively managed landscapes in Denmark.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.  63(3):437–444.  Available from A12CHR01IDUS
Clay D.L.  2012.  Homoploid Hybrid Speciation in a Rare Endemic Castilleja from Idaho (Castilleja Christii, Orobanchaceae).  American Journal of Botany.  99(12):1-15. A12CLA01IDUS
Crother BI.  2012.  Scientific and standard English names of amphibians and reptiles of North America north of Mexico, with comments regarding confidence in our understanding.  SSAR Herpetological Circular.  39:1-92.  Available from A12CRO01IDUS