Bibliography and Citations

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Bachman D.  Submitted.  Professional Background Information.  Bachman, Dana.  
Bach E..  1917.  Mountain quail.  California Fish and Game.  3(1):139.
Babler S.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Babler, Steve..  
Babits G.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Babits, George. Salmon District, BLM, Salmon, ID.  
Babit G..  1985.  Memo and maps from George Babit to Bob Parenti concerning Physaria didymocarpa var lyrata.  
Babcock E.B.  1947.  The genus Crepis - part two: systematic treatment. Volume 22.  
Babbel G.R, Selander R.K.  1974.  Genetic variability in edaphically restricted and widespread plant species.  Evolution.  28:619-630.
Ayensu E.S, DeFilips R.A.  1978.  Endangered and threatened plants of the United States.
Axelton E.A.  1974.  Ponderosa pine bibliography II. 1966-1970.  
Avise J.C.  1989.  A role for molecular genetics in the recognition and conservation of endangered species.  Trends in Evolution and Ecology.  4(9):279-281.
Avise J.C, Zink R.M.  1988.  Molecular genetic divergence between avian sibling species: king and clapper rails, long-billed and short-billed dowitchers, boat-tailed and great-tailed grackles, and tufted and.  Auk.  105:516-528.
Avila-Flores R., Medellín R.A.  2004.  Ecological, taxonomic, and physiological correlates of cave use by Mexican bats.  Journal of Mammalogy.  85:675-687.
Avian Power Line Interaction Committee(APLIC).  2006.  Suggested practices for avian protection on power lines: the state of the art in 2006.    Available from
Avian Power Line Interaction Committee(APLIC).  2012.  Reducing avian collisions with power lines: the state of the art in 2012.    Available from
Avian Power Line Interaction Committee(APLIC).  2015.  Best management practices for electric utilities in sage-grouse habitat.    Available from
Avery C..  1990.  Rare plant species observation report forms for Eburophyton austiniae populations on the St. Joe NF, St. Maries RD.  
Avery M.L., Decker D.G., Humphrey J.S., Hayes A.A., Laukert C.C..  1995.  Color, size, and location of artificial fruits affect sucrose avoidance by Cedar Waxwings and European Starlings.  Auk.  112(2):436-444.
Averett R.C.  1963.  Studies of two races of cutthroat trout in northern Idaho.  :59pp.
Authors M.  0.  Idaho Fish and Game Dataset.  
Austin M.L.  2000.  Basic stewardship monitoring data for Trapper Creek RNA.  
Austin J.E, Keough J.R, Pyle W.H.  2003.  Effects of habitat management practices on plant cover types of uplands and wetlands at Grays Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Idaho, 1997-2000.  
Austin ML.  2003.  Acoustic survey: Winchester Lake State Park, Winchester, ID [2003 letter and survey form].  
Austin M.L.  1999.  Basic stewardship monitoring data for Pole Creek Exclosure Research Natural Area.  
Austin M.L.  2000.  Basic stewardship monitoring data for Pole Canyon Research Natural Area.  
Austin M.L.  2002.  Basic stewardship monitoring data Mt. Harrison RNA.