Bibliography and Citations

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Nebeker AV, Gaufin AR.  1965.  The Capnia columbiana complex of North America (Capniidae: Plecoptera).  Transactions of the American Entomological Society.  91(4):467-487.  Available from
Fosberg MA.  1965.  Characteristics and genesis of patterned ground in Wisconsin time in a chestnut soil zone of southern Idaho.  Soil Science.  99:30-37.
Zimmerman E.G.  1965.  A comparison of habitat and food of two species of MICROTUS.  Journal of Mammalogy.  46:605-612.
Pohl R.W, Mitchell W.W.  1965.  Cytogeography of the rhizomatous American species of Muhlenbergia.  Brittonia.  17:107-112.
Munts M..  1965.  Excel spreadsheet containing observation data about miscellaneous vertebrate species within Craters of the Moon National Monument. Dates span from 1965 to 1995.  
Porter C.L.  1965.  A flora of Wyoming. Part 4.  
Gregg W.O, Taylor. D.W.  1965.  Fonticella (Prosobranchia: Hydrobiidae), a new genus of west American freshwater shells.  Malacologia.  3(1):103-110.
Savage C..  1965.  Geologic history of Pend Oreille Lake region in north Idaho.  
Hansen CG.  1965.  Growth and development of desert bighorn sheep.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  29(2):387-391.
Gashwiler J.S.  1965.  Longevity and home range of a Townsend chipmunk.  Journal of Mammalogy.  46:693.
Jorgensen CD, C. Hayward L.  1965.  Mammals of the Nevada Test Site.  Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series.  
Crum H..  1965.  Mnium nudum in Japan.  Bryologist.  68:118-119.
Reed C.A.  1965.  Mountain Quail.
Wilson R.C.  1965.  Movements and other life history aspects of mountain quail Oreortyx pictus Douglas.  :64pp..
Nimmo A.P.  1965.  A new species of Psychoglypha Ross from western Canada, with notes on several other species of Limnephilidae (Trichoptera).  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  43(5):781-787.  Available from
Atkinson R.G.  1965.  Phytophthora species inciting root rot of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana and other ornamentals in coastal British Columbia.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  43:1471-1475.
Franklin J.F, West N.E.  1965.  Plant communities of Oregon: a bibliography.  Northwest Science.  39(2):73-83.
Chadwick HW, Dalke PD.  1965.  Plant succession on dune sands in Fremont County, Idaho.  Ecology.  46(6):766-780.  Available from
Teberg K.  1965.  Range extensions of the salamander Plethodon vandykei idahoensis.  Copeia.  1965(2):244.
Stalheim W..  1965.  Some aspects of the natural history of the rock squirrel, Citellus variegatus.  :55pp..
Easterela DA.  1965.  The spotted bat in Utah.  Journal of Mammalogy.  46(4):665-668.
Heinselman M.L.  1965.  String bogs and other patterned organic terrain near Seney, upper Michigan.  Ecology.  46:185-188.
Klekowski EJ, Beal EO.  1965.  A study of variation in the Potamogeton capillaceus-diversifolius complex (Potamogetonaceae).  Brittonia.  17(2):175-181.  Available from
Argus G.W.  1965.  The taxonomy of the Salix glauca complex in North America. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University. No. 196.  
Beetle A.A, Young A..  1965.  A third subspecies in the Artemisia tridentata complex.  Rhodora.  67:405-406.