Bibliography and Citations

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Fernandez D.P., Neff J.C., Reynolds R.L..  2008.  Biogeochemical and ecological impacts of livestock grazing in semi-arid southeastern Utah, USA.  Journal of Arid Environments.  72:777-791.
Titus T.R.  1992.  Biodiversity: the need for a national policy.  Fisheries.  17(3):31-34.
Williams M.C, Rinne J.n.  1992.  Biodiversity management on multiple-use federal lands: an opportunity whose time has come.  Fisheries.  17(3):4-5.
Cutko. A.  2009.  Biodiversity inventory of natural lands: a how-to manual for foresters and biologists.    Available from
Cairns M.A, Lackey R.T.  1992.  Biodiversity and management of natural resources: the issues.  Fisheries.  17(3):41070.
Black A.E, al. et.  1998.  Biodiversity and land-use history of the Palouse Bioregion: pre-european to present.  
Aiken S.G, Dallwitz M.J, McJannet C.L, Consaul L.L.  1997.  Biodiversity among Festuca (Poaceae) in North America: diagnostic evidence from DELTA and clustering programs, and an INTKEY package for interactive, illustrated identification and information retrieval.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  75(9):1527-1555.
Copeland J.P, McKelvey K.S, Aubry K.B, Landa A., Persson J., Inman R.M, Krebs J., Lofroth E., Golden H., Squires J.R et al..  2010.  The bioclimatic envelope of the wolverine (Gulo gulo): Do climatic constraints limit its geographic distribution? Canadian Journal of Zoology.  88(3):233–246.  Available from
Crabtree C.B, Buth D.G.  1987.  Biochemical systematics of the catostomid genus CATOSTOMUS: assessment of C. CLARKI, C. PLEBEIUS, and C. DISCOBOLUS including the Zuni sucker, C. D. YARROWI.  Copeia.  1987:843-854.
Wallen R.L.  1986.  A biochemical genetic study of the Plethodon vandykei complex; Final report.  
Gill F.B, Yensen E..  1992.  Biochemical differentiation in the Idaho ground squirrel, Spermophilus brunneus (Rodentia: Sciuridae).  Great Basin Naturalist.  52(2):155-159.
Hailman J.P.  1984.  Bimodal nocturnal activity of the western toad (BUFO BOREAS) in relation to ambient temperature.  Copeia.  1984:283-290.
Rich T.D..  1980.  Bilateral wing display in the sage thrasher.  Wilson Bulletin.  92:512-513.
Oldenburg L.E, Nellis C.H.  1994.  Bighorn sheep transplant summary through July 1993.  
Nelson L..  1994.  Bighorn sheep surveys and inventory: Southwest Region, Nampa.  
Smith R..  1994.  Bighorn sheep surveys and inventory: Magic Valley Region, Progress Report.  
Hanna P..  1978.  Bighorn sheep: surveys and inventories.  
Svancara LK.  2021.  Bighorn Sheep species assessment 2021.  
Bissonette J.A, Steinkamp M.J.  1996.  Bighorn sheep response to ephemeral habitat fragmentation by cattle.  Great Basin Naturalist.  56(4):319-325.
Oldenburg L.E.  1992.  Bighorn sheep: Region 3, Nampa, Progress Report.  
Harris C., Johnson N..  1992.  Bighorn sheep: Region 3, Nampa.  
Parker T., Scott M..  1990.  Bighorn sheep management plan, 1986-1990.  
Smith D.R.  1954.  The bighorn sheep in Idaho: its status, life history, and management.  
Bureau of Land Management.  1995.  Bighorn sheep habitat evaluation.  
Brewer CE, Bleich VC, Foster JA, Hosch-Hebdon T, McWhirter DE, Rominger EM, Wagner MW, Weidman BP.  2014.  Bighorn sheep: conservation challenges and management strategies for the 21st century.    Available from