Bibliography and Citations

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[Anonymous].  1990.  Trumpeter swans moved in east Idaho.  
Niethammer K..  1993.  Trumpeter swans return to the Centennial Valley.  
Myers R., Randolph C..  1993.  Twin Falls hydroelectric project (FERC No. 18) mollusc survey: April 1993.  
Myers R., Randolph C..  1993.  Twin Falls hydroelectric project unnamed tributary (FERC No. 18) mollusc survey: April 1993.  
Kaniksu National Forest.  1932.  Two Excel spreadsheets from the Priest Lake Ranger District containing wildlife observations from 1932 to 2001.  Kaniksu National Forest. Two Excel spreadsheets from the Priest Lake Ranger District containing wildlife observations from 1932 to 2001..  
Christensen J.R.  1988.  Two letters to IDFG regarding locations of special animals on the Burley District BLM, Deep Creek RA.  
Hill J, Kinter L.  2014.  Two specimens of Coryphantha at Stillinger Herbarium annotated to Pediocactus simpsonii.  
Wilson A..  1989.  Typed notes regarding two Plethodon idahoensis sites.  
Schwartz MK, Ulizio T, Jimenez B.  2006.  U. S. Rocky Mountain fisher survey protocol.  
Hafner D.J.  1998.  Uinta chipmunk.  
Hotchkiss N..  1967.  Underwater and floating-leaved palnts of the United States and Canada.  
Wheeler R.A.  0.  Undesirable weeds of Idaho forest lands.  
Bolgiano C..  1989.  Unearthing salamander secrets.  
Heidel BL.  2017.  Unique contributions of the Wyoming fen flora: slidedeck presentation.  
Johnson N.K, Melquist W.E.  1973.  Unique, rare and endangered raptorial birds of northern Idaho: nesting success and management recommendations.  
Paris C..  1990.  Unpublished Adiantum manuscript for Flora of North America project.  
Anderson R..  1994.  Unpublished bibliography of bat publications associated with Townsend's big-eared bat.  
Corn S..  1992.  Unpublished Bufo boreas bibliography.  
Solem A..  1974.  Unpublished field notes regarding two locations of Oreohelix jugalis.  
Griffith J..  1984.  Unpublished handwritten table of shoshone sculpin densities per age class for Upper Ritter Spring and a sketch of the spring system.  
Reveal JL.  1979.  Unpublished letter to Dr. Douglass Henderson, University of Idaho Herbarium, concerning new taxa of Eriogonum to be described.  
Taylor D.M, Jones V.E, Trost C.H, Fichter E..  1997.  Unpublished manuscript on the Idaho Museum of Natural History bird collection.  
Knick S..  1986.  Unpublished proposal and report for Section 6, Endangered Species Act.  
Bureau of Land Management.  1995.  Unpublished stream segment data for the East Fork and Main Salmon watersheds.  
Bursik R.J.  1995.  Update: Report on the conservation status of Howellia aquatilis in Idaho.