Bibliography and Citations

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Ertter B, Mancuso M.  2016.  Email correspondence from Barbara Ertter to INPS Southern Idaho Rare Plant Working Group, November 2016 RE Boechera rollinsiorum.  
Ertter B.  2016.  Email correspondence from Barbara Ertter to Lynn Kinter on Feburary 18, 2016 RE Abronia mellifera localities.  
Ertter B, Spellenberg R, Kinter L.  2016.  Email correspondence from Barbara Ertter to Lynn Kinter on March 4, 2016 RE Mirabilis linearis, Twin Butte Rd sighting and specimen collection record.  
Ertter B, Kinter L, Baird G.  2016.  Email correspondence from Barbara Ertter to Lynn Kinter on March 4, 2016 RE Ipomopsis congesta ssp. crebrifolia and specimen collection records.  
Colket B.  2016.  Email correspondence from Beth Colket to Idaho Natural Heritage Program regarding Cuscuta denticulata follow-up for Element Occurrence at Reno Point.  
Corbin B.  2016.  Email correspondence from Beth Corbin to INPS Southern Idaho Rare Plant Working Group, November 2016 RE Meeting Notes.  
Antonelli D.  2016.  Email correspondence from Derek Antonelli to INPS Northern Idaho Rare Plant Working Group, November 2016 RE Meeting Notes.  
Antonelli D.  2016.  Email correspondence from Derek Antonelli to INPS Northern Idaho Rare Plant Working Group, April 2016 RE Meeting Notes.  
Baird G, Ertter B, Kinter L.  2016.  Email correspondence from Gary Baird to Barbara Ertter and Lynn Kinter between February 29 to March 4, 2016 RE Ipomopsis congesta photos at Menan Butte.  
Kinter L.  2016.  Email correspondence from Lynn Kinter to Jim Strickland on March 8, 2016 RE Ipomopsis congesta var crebrifolia herbaria specimen records.  
Steiger M, Kinter L.  2016.  Email correspondence from Mark Steiger to Lynn Kinter RE Lepidium papilliferum observations in 2010.  
Lehman R, Strickland J, Kinter L.  2016.  Email correspondence from Rose Lehman to Lynn Kinter and Jim Strickland, November 2016 RE latest IdNHP list.  
Perkins D, Kinter L, Strickland J.  2016.  Email correspondence regarding whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) data on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands in Idaho.  
Lucid M.  2016.  Emergence count data [at bat boxes, McArthur Wildlife Management Area, Boundary County, Idaho] [datasheet].  
Barnett J.  2016.  Emergence count datasheets for a bat count at a site at Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Idaho Fish and Wildlife Office.  2016.  Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Status for Lepidium papilliferum (Slickspot Peppergrass) Throughout Its Range.  Federal Register.  81:55058-55084.  Available from
Hergenrider N, Beall K.  2016.  Epipactis gigantea report.  
Rhoades PR, Koch JB, Waits LP, Strange JP, Eigenbrode SD.  2016.  Evidence for Bombus occidentalis (Hymenoptera: Apidae) populations in the Olympic peninsula, the Palouse Prairie, and forests of northern Idaho.  Journal of Insect Science.  16(1):1-5.  Available from
Mancuso M.  2016.  Field survey for bent-flower milkvetch (Astragalus vexilliflexus var. vexilliflexus) in the Stibnite Gold Project area, Valley County, Idaho.  
Mancuso M.  2016.  Field survey for three sensitive plant species in the upper Big Creek area, Payette National Forest, Idaho.  
Condon LA, Pyke DA.  2016.  Filling the interspace - restoring arid land mosses: source populations, organic matter, and overwintering govern success.  Ecology and Evolution.  2016:1-10.
[Anonymous].  2016.  Flora of North America North of Mexico - Volume 12: Magnoliophyta - Vitaceae to Garryaceae. 12.  New York (New York): Oxford University Press.  
Rhoades PR.  2016.  Genetic and community structure of native bees of the Palouse Prairie [Ph.D. dissertation].  Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology and Nematology.  Ph.D.:178.
Waterbury B.  2016.  Gulo gulo data call by B. Waterbury: spreadsheet for data import.  :16records.
Weekley T, Dixon R, Romin S.  2016.  Hibernacula master list with 2015–2016 surveillance prioritization [Excel workbook] for Idaho.