Bibliography and Citations

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Anonymous.  0.  Summary of Elk-Valley ID Team's issues and concerns relating to Allotment Management Plans and the Elk Valley pRNA.  
Harrod R.J.  1994.  Summary of existing information and research on Cypripedium fasciculatum.  
Cassirer E.F, Groves C.R.  1990.  A summary of harlequin duck sightings in Idaho, 1989.  
Bosworth B..  2009.  Summary of Idaho pika information for U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service ESA status review.  
Henderson D..  1988.  Summary of known populations of Thelypodium repandum.  
Lichthardt J..  1995.  Summary of lichen and moss EORs from collections at the University of Idaho and Washington State University herbaria.  
Mancuso M., Shepherd J..  2008.  A summary of long term monitoring results for MacFarlane's four-o'clock (Mirabilis macfarlanei), a threatened plant species in Idaho and Oregon.  prepared for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Snake River Basin Office, Boise, ID.  
Taylor D.W.  1966.  Summary of North American blancan nonmarine mollusks.  Malacologia.  4:1-172.
Bechard M.J, Levine E.W.  1989.  A summary of peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) releases, nest-site occupancy, and productivity in Rocky Mountain and Pacific Northwest regions of the U.S. from 1984 to 1989.  : No. 14420-88-00258.
Wik J..  2006.  Summary of phone calls made to Idaho Department of Fish and Game's Panhandle and Clearwater Region trappers in regard to fisher sightings. One-page summary plus spreadsheet.  
Evans Mack D.  2014.  Summary of pika observations from the McCall subregion: spreadsheet for data import.  
Bartels p, Hays D..  2000.  Summary of Pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) survey and trapping efforts on historical sites in Oregon and Idaho: surveying and trapping efforts from May 2, 2000, through May 11, 2000.  
Anonymous.  1987.  Summary of reports given to the Interagency Bonneville cutthroat conference. March 25, 1987.  
Harrod R.J.  1993.  Summary of research projects on Cypripedium fasciculatum.  
Ragotzkie K..  1991.  Summary of results from nocturnal tape playback surveys for boreal owls on the Powell RD, Clearwater NF.  
Lichthardt J..  2000.  Summary of selected rare plants from northern Idaho.  
Koch E.D, Wood G., Peterson C.R, P. Corn S.  1997.  A summary of the conference on declining and sensitive amphibians in the Rocky Mountains and Pacific Northwest.  
U. S. Forest Service, USDI Bureau.  2004.  Summary of the draft environmental impact statement: Northern Rockies lynx amendment.  
Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Upper Snake Regional Office.  2010.  A summary of the fish and wildlife resources of the South Fork Snake River.  
[Anonymous].  2015.  A Summary of the ongoing Lepidium papilliferum (LEPA) surveys within the Orchard Combat Training Center (OCTC)-1989 to Present.  
Sauder J.  2005.  Summary of waterfalls surveyed for black swifts in Clearwater Region 2004, 2005 [Excel spreadsheet].  
Reynolds T..  2003.  Summary report: a survey for yellow-billed cuckoo in recorded historic and other likely locations in Idaho.  
Hill J., Gray K.L.  1999.  Summary Report: alien and rare plant inventory and vegetation mapping Garden Creek Ranch Craig Mountain, Idaho.  
Feldman C.R.  2004.  Summary report of IDFG permit activity: reptiles and amphibians collected in Idaho in 2003.  
Ragotzkie K..  1994.  Summary table of results of boreal owl nocturnal tape playbacks in the Crooked Fork and Brushy Creek drainages, Clearwater National Forest.