Bibliography and Citations

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Jensen D..  1980.  Bird census. In Studies of water use on the Snake River drainage, southern Idaho: research reports on the A. J. Wiley Reach.  
Canterbury GE, Martin TE, Petit DR, Petit LJ, Bradford DF.  2000.  Bird communities and habitat as ecological indicators of forest condition in regional monitoring.  Conservation Biology.  14(2):544-558.  Available from
White CM, Frost HH, Shirley DL, Webb G.M, Porter RD.  1983.  Bird distributional and breeding records for southeastern Idaho, Utah, and adjacent regions.  Great Basin Naturalist.  43(4):717-727.  Available from
Davis WB.  1934.  Bird notes from Owyhee County, Idaho.  Murrelet.  15(3):69-72.
Chadwick D.H, Littlehales B..  1993.  Bird of white waters.  National Geographic.  November:116-132.
Tobalske B.W, Shearer R.C, Hutto R.L..  1991.  Bird populations in logged and unlogged western larch/Douglas-fir forest in northwestern Montana.  
Howard H.  1962.  Bird remains from a prehistoric cave deposit in Grant County, New Mexico.  Condor.  64(3):241-242.  Available from
Howard H, Miller AH.  1933.  Bird remains from cave deposits in New Mexico.  Condor.  35(1):15-18.  Available from
Bradford D.F, Franson S.E, Neale A.C, Heggem D.T, Miller G.R, Canterbury G.E.  1998.  Bird species assemblages as indicators of biological integrity in great basin rangeland.  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.  49:1-22.
Larrison E.J, Jollie M., Levy S., Burleigh T., Musgrove W., Arvey D., others.  1950.  Bird specimens in this University of Idaho collection and a provisional list of the birds of the state.  
[Anonymous].  1997.  A birder's guide to Idaho.
Anonymous.  0.  Birdlife in western junipers.  
Bock CE, Webb B.  1984.  Birds as grazing indicator species in southeastern Arizona.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  48(3)
USDI Bureau of Land Management, Partners in Flight.  1998.  Birds as indicators of riparian vegetation condition in the western U.S. Washington D.C.  
Marshall JT.  1988.  Birds lost from a giant sequoia forest during fifty years.  Condor.  90:359-372.  Available from
Rhoads S.N.  1893.  The birds observed in British Columbia and Washington during spring and summer, 1892.  Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.  1893:21-65.
Audubon J.J.  1967.  The birds of America. Volume Five.  
[Anonymous].  1972.  The birds of Big Creek and Chamberlain Basin: Idaho Primitive Area: field check list.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2002.  Birds of conservation concern 2002.  
Cameron E.S.  1908.  The birds of Custer and Dawson counties, Montana.  Auk.  25:39-56.
Roberts H.B.  1992.  Birds of east central Idaho.
Roberts H.B.  1992.  Birds of East Central Idaho.
Burleigh TD.  1972.  Birds of Idaho. Caldwell (ID): Caxton Press, Ltd..  
[Anonymous].  1992.  Birds of Idaho field checklist.  
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Birds of North America.