Bibliography and Citations

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Anderson E.W.  1966.  Society Business: natural areas.  Journal of Range Management.  19:239-242.
Gaufin AR, Nebeker AV, Sessions J.  1966.  The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Utah. Volume XIV, Number 1.  
Taylor D.W.  1966.  Summary of North American blancan nonmarine mollusks.  Malacologia.  4:1-172.
Dugle J.R.  1966.  A taxonomic study of western Canadian species in the genus Betula.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  44:929-1007.
Mitchell W.W, Pohl R.W.  1966.  Variation and aneuploidy in Muhlenbergia glomerata.  American Midland Naturalist.  111:211-221.
Love A., Love D..  1966.  The variation of Blechnum spicant.  Botanisk Tidsskrift.  62:186-196.
Daubenmire R..  1966.  Vegetation: identification of typal communities.  Science.  151(3708):291-298.  Available from
Basile J.V.  1967.  An annotated bibliography of bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata (Pursh) DC.).  
Audubon J.J.  1967.  The birds of America. Volume Five.  
Wells T.CE.  1967.  Changes in a population of Spiranthes spiralis (L.) Chevall. at Knocking Hoe National Nature Reserve, Bedfordshire, 1962-65.  Journal of Ecology.  55:83-99.
Oittinen V..  1967.  The distribution and ecology of Buxbaumia aphylla and B. viridis in Finland.  Annales Botanici Fennici.  4:81-86.
Fichter E, Williams R.  1967.  Distribution and status of the red fox in Idaho.  Journal of Mammalogy.  48(2):219-230.
Hornocker M.G.  1967.  Ecological study of the mountain lion.  
Evans G.R.  1967.  Ecology of Aristida longiseta in northcentral Idaho.  :69pp.
Harrington H.D.  1967.  Edible plants of the Rocky Mountains.
Bonnell MLansdale.  1967.  Emergence and foraging behavior in small populations of Idaho bats [thesis].  :64.
Nebeker AV, Gaufin AR.  1967.  Factors affecting wing length and emergence in the winter stonefly Capnia nana.  Entomological News.  78(4):85-92.  Available from
Porter C.L.  1967.  A flora of Wyoming. Part 5.  
Corner R.WM.  1967.  Further observations on the distribution of Buxbaumia aphylla Hedw. on colliery debris.  Transactions of the British Bryological Society.  5:828-829.
Nebeker AV, Gaufin AR.  1967.  Geographic and seasonal distribution of the Family Capniidae of western North America (Plecoptera).  Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society.  40(3):415-421.  Available from
Branson F.A, Miller R.F, McQueen I.S.  1967.  Geographic distribution and factors affecting the distribution of salt desert shrubs in the United States.  Journal of Range Management.  20:287-296.
Branson F.A, Miller R.F, McQueen I.S.  1967.  Geographic distribution and factors affecting the distribution of salt desert shrubs in the United States.  Journal of Range Management.  29:287-296.
Larrison E.J, Tucker J.L, Jollie M.T.  1967.  Guide to Idaho birds.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  5:1-220.
Larrison EJ, Tucker JL, Jollie MT.  1967.  Guide to Idaho birds.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  5:1-220.
Larrison E.J.  1967.  Guide to Idaho mammals.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  7:1-166.