Bibliography and Citations

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Smith G.R.  1978.  Biogeography of intermountain fishes.  Great Basin Naturalist.  2:17-42.
McIntosh T.T.  1997.  The biogeography of the bryophytes of the semi-arid steppe of south-central British Columbia, Canada.  Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory.  82:157-169.
Cushman RM.  2014.  Biogeography of the caddisfly genus Arctopsyche McLachlan, 1868 (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) in North America.  Pan-Pacific Entomologist.  90(4):174–181.  Available from
Sanborn AF, Phillips PK.  2013.  Biogeography of the cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of North America, north of Mexico.  Diversity.  5(2):166-239.  Available from
Brainerd R., Zika P., Newhouse B., Wilson B., Kuykendall K., Huso M., Mastroguiseppe J..  1995.  Biogeography of the genus Carex in the Columbia River Basin.  
Buckland PC, Sadler JP.  1989.  A biogeography of the human flea, Pulex irritans L. (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae).  Journal of Biogeography.  16(2):115-120.  Available from
Neilson R.P, Wullstein L.H.  1983.  Biogeography of two southwest American oaks in relation to atmospheric dynamics.  Journal of Biogeography.  10:275-297.
Moseley R.K.  1992.  The biological and physical features of Bloomington Lake Cirque, Caribou National Forest.  
Kruckeberg A.R, Rabon D..  1985.  Biological aspects of endemism in higher plants.  Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics.  :447-479.
McKay R..  1991.  Biological assessment and inventory plan for the North American lynx (Felis lynx canadensis) in the Uinta Mountains.  
McKay R..  1991.  Biological assessment and inventory plan for the wolverine (Gulo gulo) in the Uinta Mountains.  
Tribes S-P, Rabe C, Abele S, Davidson A, Saul D, Owen A, Abele S.  2004.  Biological characterization and status. Edition Prepared for the Northwest Power and Conservation Council.  Bruneau Subbasin Assessment.  [Portland]: Northwest Power and Conservation Council.   p. 62-139.  Available from
[Anonymous].  2000.  Biological control agent attacks native thistles.  Sage Notes.  22(3):11-12.
Cushman SA, McRae B, Adriaensen F, Beier P, Shirley M, Zeller K.  2013.  Biological corridors and connectivity. Edition 1st ed..  Key Topics in Conservation Biology 2.  Macdonald DW, Willis KJ, editors. Chichester (West Sussex (UK)): John Wiley & Sons, Ltd..   p. 384-404.  Available from
[Anonymous].  1993.  Biological data analysis: a practical approach.
Flamm B.R.  0.  Biological diversity: a challenge for forestry.  
Hughes R.M, Noss. R.F.  1992.  Biological diversity and biological integrity: current concerns for lakes and streams.  Fisheries.  17(3):11-17.
Maurer B.A.  1993.  Biological diversity, ecological integrity, and neotropical migrants: new perspectives for wildlife management.  
Langner LL, Flather CH.  1994.  Biological diversity: status and trends in the United States.  General Technical Report.  
Caruso L.B.  1988.  Biological evaluation for Calamagrostis tweedyi in the Dry Meadows Planning Area and the Jungle Ridge Timber Sale on the Naches Ranger District of the Wenatchee National Forest.  
Hudak H..  1992.  Biological evaluation for sensitive plants, Howell Canyon Road Improvement Environmental Assessment, Burley Ranger District, Sawtooth National Forest, Cassia County, Idaho.  
Stotts B..  1991.  Biological evaluation for the Big Smith Timber Sale. Lochsa Ranger District, Clearwater National Forest.  
Simpson M..  1991.  Biological evaluation, Fourmile Timber Sale, New Meadows Ranger District.  
Simpson M..  1991.  Biological evaluation, Grade - Dukes Timber Sale, Weiser Ranger District.  
Rohlam J..  1991.  Biological evaluation: Grade/Dukes timber sale area: Flammulated owl (Otus flammeolus).