Bibliography and Citations

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Dvornich K.M, McAllister K.R, Aubry K.B.  1997.  Amphibians and reptiles of Washington state: location data and predicted distributions.  
Stebbins R.C..  1954.  Amphibians and reptiles of western North America.
Aubry KB.  2000.  Amphibians in managed, second-growth Douglas-fir forests.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  64(4):1041-1052.  Available from
Ryan ME, Palen WJ, Adams MJ, Rochefort RM.  2014.  Amphibians in the climate vice: loss and restoration of resilience of montane wetland ecosystems in the western US.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.  12(4):232-240.  Available from
Fichter E, Linder AD.  1964.  The amphibians of Idaho.  :34p..
Beck J.M, Janovetz J., Peterson C.R.  1998.  Amphibians of the Coeur d'Alene Basin: a survey of Bureau of Land Management lands.  
D. Rogers C.  2002.  The amplexial morphology of selected Anostraca.  Hydrobiologia.  486(1):1–18.
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Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Idaho Department of Fish and Game.  1996.  Anadromous fish management plan 1992-1996.  
Telfair, II R.C, Swepston D.A.  1987.  Analysis of banding and marking nestling anhingas, olivaceous cormorants, roseate spoonbills, ibises, bitterns, herons, and egrets in Texas (1923-1983).  
Keller B.L.  1997.  An analysis of bat occupancy of selected inactive mines located adjacent to the shore of Lake Pend Oreille, Bonner County, and the Bethlehem and Montgomery Mine, Boundary County, Idaho.  
Wolf PG.  1988.  Analysis of electrophoretic varation in Claytonia lanceolata vars lanceolata and flava.  
Garten C.T, Gentry J.B, Sharitz. R.R.  1977.  An analysis of elemental concentrations in vegetation bordering a southeastern United States coastal plain stream.  Ecology.  58(5):979-992.
Lowrey T., Daniels D., Sylvester K., Shaw R..  1995.  Analysis of genetic diversity in Lepidium papilliferum (Henders.) Nels. and Macbr. using allozyme and RAPD data.  American Journal of Botany.  Abstract No. 427, 82(6):148.
Patla D.A, Trost C.H.  1993.  Analysis of goshawk nesting habitat on the Targhee National Forest, Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. No. 66.  
Riha V.F, Berven K.A.  1991.  An analysis of latitudinal variation in the larval development of the wood frog (RANA SYLVATICA).  Copeia.  1991:209-221.
USDI Bureau of Land Management, Vale District Office.  1993.  Analysis of management alternatives: Leslie Gulch area of critical environmental concern (ACEC). Vale, OR.  
Shields G.F.  1990.  Analysis of mitochondrial DNA of Pacific black brant (BRANTA BERNICLA NIGRICANS).  Auk.  107:620-623.
Phillips M.L, Clark W.R, Nusser S.M, Sovada M.A, Greenwood R.J.  2004.  Analysis of predator movement in prairie landscapes with contrasting grassland composition.  Journal of Mammalogy.  85:187-195.
Keller B.L.  1997.  An analysis of selected mines as bat habitat in the greater Coeur d'Alene mining region, Shoshone County, Idaho with special reference to mines near Clark Fork, Bonner County, Idaho: summary and research year 3. Final Report.  
Sullivan JP, Nations CS.  2009.  Analysis of slickspot peppergrass (Lepidium papilliferum) population trends on Orchard Training Area and rangewide implications.    Available from
Jacobus LM, McCafferty W.P.  2002.  Analysis of some historically unfamiliar Canadian mayflies (Ephemeroptera).  Canadian Entomologist.  134(2):141-155.
Tarifa T, Yensen E.  2004.  Analysis of southern Idaho ground squirrel diets: How important is remnant native flora? Annual report, 2002
Keller BL.  1987.  Analysis of the bat species present in Idaho, with special attention to the spotted bat, Euderma maculatum. Final Report.  
Davis WB.  1935.  An analysis of the bird population in the vicinity of Rupert, Idaho.  Condor.  37(5):233-238.  Available from