Sand Creek WMA habitat monitoring results, 2014

Publication Type:



Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Boise, ID, p.70 (2015)

Call Number:



Sand Creek WMA, SWAP


The goal of this habitat assessment is to provide baseline vegetation data to support the management directions, and performance targets and strategies, as defined in the Program Management Table of the Sand Creek WMA plan (Anderson 2014). Management priorities are 1) big game habitat, 2) upland game bird habitat, 3) habitat for nongame and species with special designation, and 5) wildlife-based recreation and education. Furthermore, the methods used in this assessment are repeatable and form the basis of a long-term monitoring plan.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Ecology, ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Multiple Species

SWAP (2/19/2016) citation:
Moser A, Murphy C. 2015. Sand Creek WMA habitat monitoring results, 2014. Boise (ID): Idaho Department of Fish and Game. 43 p.