Emergence surveys and foraging activity of central Idaho bats

Publication Type:



p.12 (2003)

Call Number:



Myotis yumanensis, Yuma Myotis


In 2002, I conducted the first surveys for bat populations in the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness in central Idaho. I conducted emergence surveys at nine abandoned mines and caves and sampled during 25 nights from 2 June to 15 August. The ANABAT II echolocation device recorded vocalizations which I analyzed to determine species composition. I identified seven species of bats, four of which are Idaho Species of Special Concern. Seventy-eight percent of the caves and mines in the study area may be occupied by bats. Bat foraging activity did not differ between burned and unburned locations two years after a wildfire. Knowledge of the distribution and roosting locations of Idaho bat species is essential for conservation purposes.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Mammals

Citation: Gillies, K. E. 2003. Emergence surveys and foraging activity of central Idaho bats. Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, University of Idaho, Moscow. 12 p.